Extraordinary in the Ordinary of Everyday Life

cekennon Posts: 44 Member
Hi All -
I write a monthly message and this was April's. I thought it would be fitting - We have to look for the extraordinary steps we are taking int he ordinary of the day. here is a link to where all my messages are - also feel free to email me and give me your email address to add you to my distribution list.


Extraordinary in the Ordinary of Everyday Life

I was sitting to pray and thinking about the circumstances of this week. There have been so many changes around me, some that have made me very sad. I was trying to think about why God would let this happen, what is he up to? Truth is this is ordinary life happening around me. People are let go of their jobs, others get demoted, people get sick, relationships struggle. That is ordinary life. Yes, we also have celebrations, weddings, birth announcements and graduation and that is also ordinary. Those things are more pleasant. In those ordinary times we do not seek God because we are not in need. We are basking in the glory of happiness. During those pleasant times we would never even think to look for the extraordinary because everything is just right.

But during the times of unpleasant ordinary, do you look for extraordinary things? Do you look for the blessings in the midst of? I believe in the midst of those times God does extraordinary things. I believe that is when we grow and really learn about ourselves and about God. It is not human nature to cling to him and lean into him. It is human nature to take care of things ourselves. Wouldn’t it be nice to give all your burdens over to someone else?

Wouldn’t it be great to tell the story of this extraordinary thing that happen in the midst of an unfortunate circumstance? You know God is never caught by surprise? He sees all things and knows all things. Sometimes he allows us to live in the ordinary till we release all we are to him so he can show up and show out! So he can do the “extraordinary”

Sometimes he is waiting for us to have the faith that moves mountains. Moving a mountain would be extraordinary wouldn’t it? Never underestimate the power of God. Moses was going about his ordinary life when he notices a burning bush. The extraordinary thing was it wasn’t consumed. Exodus 3:2-4 “There the angel of the Lord appeared to him in flames of fire from within a bush. Moses saw that though the bush was on fire it did not burn up. So Moses thought, “I will go over and see this strange sight—why the bush does not burn up.” When the Lord saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, “Moses! Moses!”And Moses said, “Here I am.”

That is some extraordinary stuff right there. I don’t even know what I would do if I heard God calling me from a burning bush. Can you think back to a time when God did something extraordinary in your life? Did it catch you by surprise? Did he do something so beyond your comprehension that you really never even prayed for it because you thought it was out of his reach? A broken marriage? A wayward child? A loved one hooked on drugs that seemed so impossible to reach?

You know I never prayed my older brother would be saved. Isn’t that crazy? He was a serious drug addict, even homeless at times and I never prayed for him to be saved because I never thought he would be. He was so much more Jewish than I ever was. He had the Jewish wedding, the baby briss and I think he really believed in God when I for sure did not. Never even dawned on me to pray for his salvation. Then God did something extraordinary. He put some believers in my brother’s life and that led him to Christ. He called me one day and told me he was baptized in a river and accepted Christ. I lost it. I cried on and off for 3 months. No really I did. I cried for the glory of what God was doing in my brother’s life and I cried for not having faith or even enough believe to ask God to save him. It was amazing. For months I could see a transformation like I had never seen before. He is a recovered drug addict now, for several years. He has pulled back from the “Jesus” part but I know that’s temporary. God did an extraordinary thing in the midst of my ordinary life.

Look for the extraordinary in the ordinary of your everyday life. God is always at work.

~Cara Kennon


  • Jenean125
    Jenean125 Posts: 26 Member
    Love it!

    We forget that our little human minds wil never comprehend everything that God has in store for us or that He can do. "...With God all things are possible"!! It's hard to imagine that all He requires from us is just a tiny bit of faith....He will take care of the rest!