I need an *kitten* kicking

Selina1996 Posts: 3 Member
I'm too broke to hire a personal trainer. I'm too lazy to get off my *kitten* to go to the gym daily. I need help in being held accountable for all the wrong food choices I'm making. Mind you, I'm typing this after I had 2 donuts from Krispy Kreme and a Coke for breakfast. Horrible!


  • katy253
    katy253 Posts: 4 Member
    I think I am in the same boat! We can help each other!
    I am 40 years old and a single mom to a 10 year old son. I am so busy all of the time that I find it really hard to take time for myself to plan my meals, slice and bag the raw vegetables, go to the gym, etc.
    I am thrilled to get a walk by myself once in a while. We can push each other!
    I am looking at baby steps.

    Weather is getting warmer, maybe I can go for a walk after work. When I go grocery shopping this week, I'll try to pick healthier options. I'll pack my lunch instead of hitting the quick mart.

    We can do this!
  • Selina1996
    Selina1996 Posts: 3 Member
    Sounds like a plan! I can do great during the week. I usually have two hardboiled eggs for breakfast, for lunch i'll have tuna and then dinner is usually a protein and fruit. But when the weekend rolls around I drink my calories and decide to order the wrong stuff on restaurant menus.
    Baby steps. I agree.
    I have bloodwork tomorrow and I'm a bit nervous.
  • abryantfitness
    abryantfitness Posts: 2 Member
    Did you ladies kick each other's *kitten*? I kind of forgot this group was created.