Accountability 4/23/14

Well yesterday I did Low HIIT 20 I gave it my all and had a great work out! Food was on track yesterday! Today I started Fire 40 im not a big fan of it so i decided to switch to Low HIIT 25 so I ended up doing about 45 min of working out. I think im going to go through all of the dvds and see which ones i like and make my schedule around that and through the ones I dont like in every once in a while. If i dont like a work out im not going to want to do it. Food has been on track so far today. I woke up a little late for breakfast so for lunch I had left over chicken dumplings and had my chocolate shakeology after my work out. Not sure what Im going to have for dinner yet but it will be something good.

How is everyones day going?