Does anywhere in the uk stock daiya

TheLittleFangs Posts: 205 Member
Hiya. Had a look online but can't find it :( heard so much good about it x thanks :flowerforyou:


  • charming12u
    charming12u Posts: 49 Member
    Alas, can't help you on that one, think it's still just a US and Canada thing. (Unless some of the vegan online stores ship to the UK?)

    Having had it, it's ok. I've tried several cheezes out there, and they are all a little odd. I'd say about half the time I'll put it on pizza (a very light sprinkling, I found if you load it up, it's kind of play-dough flavored) and the rest of the time I just go cheeze-less.

    Actually, the best cheeze like items I've tried are ones that were recipes from the vegan artisan cheese cookbook.
  • quagga2007
    quagga2007 Posts: 18 Member
    If you're at all adventurous in the kitchen, you might want to look up the vegan cookbook, The Non-Dairy Formulary. It has an excellent vegan mozzarella recipe that is easy to make, but requires one special order ingredient (a special type of carrageenan).
  • PeacePlantsPilates
    PeacePlantsPilates Posts: 9 Member
    Acrtually, there's a 'Veganz' purely vegan superstore branch due to open in London this year.

    They're a German chain so I can tell you from personal experience that they have Daiya cheese stocked! Not sure if a trip to London every week is a viable option, but it might be fun to stockpile goods any time you're in the area :)
  • quagga2007
    quagga2007 Posts: 18 Member
    That is so cool to hear about Veganz. My vegan activist friend in Sacramento, CA makes a vegan dog kibble (V-Dog) and she was posting all over FB a few months ago that it was going to be carried in Veganz stores in Germany.
  • Arachnapheria
    Arachnapheria Posts: 55 Member
    According to FatGayVegan, they are looking to export to the UK some time this year (I'm guessing that this is in addition to Veganz in London potentially stocking it) :) (in the comments section)
  • TheLittleFangs
    TheLittleFangs Posts: 205 Member
    Fantastic news about the new store. My uncle lives in London so I can ask him to stock up and bring it in visits :) thanks for all the replies and recipie reccommendations too. You guys are the best!!!
  • quagga2007
    quagga2007 Posts: 18 Member
    The Daiya shreds freeze really well. And you can use them straight from the freezer.