How much sleep do you get a night

bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
Was just reading a thread in another group where someone was asking for help with their program to get things moving again and mentioned they only sleep 4-5 hours a night. My first thought was "sleeping more would probably make a world of difference."

I know we are all different, but 4-5 hours a night seems like far too little sleep to me. I can function on 6 pretty well, but I feel like if I get 8 I'm really operating at peak efficiency.

After our AM/PM Throwdown last week I slept for 14 hours that night :)


  • ortega1990
    ortega1990 Posts: 236 Member
    Great topic! sleep is so important! Right now I get around 7 1/2 - 8 hours... I really want to get as much sleep as possible. I call it recovery. My gym/box recommends 8 1/2 hours and in our January challenge that was the goal. I couldn't get that but once a week but I can get 8 if I really apply myself.
  • kaaaaylee
    kaaaaylee Posts: 398
    4-5 hours is unreal for me, personally. On weeks I only sleep about 7 hours I night I tend to get hurt. I need 8 to function, 9 to be optimal.
  • Inkratlet
    Inkratlet Posts: 613 Member
    Great topic! sleep is so important! Right now I get around 7 1/2 - 8 hours... I really want to get as much sleep as possible. I call it recovery. My gym/box recommends 8 1/2 hours and in our January challenge that was the goal. I couldn't get that but once a week but I can get 8 if I really apply myself.

    Sleep challenge! That's an awesome idea!

    I've monitored my sleep before. I get about 8 hours a night at 50-60% efficiency. I'm OK on 7, better on 8. The more exercise I do the better my sleep quality.
  • okulyd
    okulyd Posts: 147 Member
    I think its l about listening to your body and making sure you do what you need. I wake up and make it to my morning workout at 6:00am every day and most days I wake at 4:30 and wait and wait and wait for the alarm to go off. I try to go to be early to fit in the 8 hours of sleep but my body just doesn't seem to want 8 hours. Otherwise I would sleep straight through till 5:30 when the alarm goes off. Of course it could just be the anticipation of the WOD that is waking me up!

    I'm good with 6-7 hours. Unless I haven't slept for days or unless I did a double workout I can't sleep for 8 hours.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    4-5 hours is unreal for me, personally. On weeks I only sleep about 7 hours I night I tend to get hurt. I need 8 to function, 9 to be optimal.

    Same here, though the few times I've had to function on 6 hours a night or less (grad school) I simply didn't have the energy to work out regularly.
  • ErikaMH22
    4-5 hours seems CRAZY! I range between 6-9 and consider anything under 7.5 terrible. I also notice that on less than 7.5 hours my performance drops - I can't lift heavy, my endurance is **** and I just might as well skip CrossFit and take a light jog or hit a yoga class instead.

    But I have also noticed that as the weather warms I have a harder time sleeping in - those douchey birds start chirping around 5:30, the sun peeks out between 6 and 6:30 and it is getting harder and harder to stay in bed till 7-8 like I do in the winter.
  • jordymils
    jordymils Posts: 230 Member
    I used to survive on 4-5 hours in my last year or so of high school, and I really mean 'survive'. I wasn't training then and had crappy study patterns. I remember one day coming home from school literally in such a daze that I got into bed at 4pm and slept until the next morning. Doable if need be for short term, but definitely not ideal.
    Nowadays I aim to be in bed for 8.5 hours, knowing I'll end up with somewhere between 7.5-8 hours of actual sleep. It takes me a long time to fall asleep which is annoying, and I almost always wake up during the night to pee, but I'd say I get an average of 8 hours sleep mid-week. Weekends are different coz I have to be up earlier and am usually busy until later in the day (plus getting up at stupid hours to watch international soccer games! :P) so sometimes on weekends I only get ~6 hours sleep, but mid-week I'm a lot more careful. Gone are the days of procrastinating until 1am!!
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    ^my wife gets irritated because it takes her a very long time to get to sleep and she is a light sleeper.

    If I'm fairly tired when I go to bed I might be asleep literally 30 seconds after my head hits the pillow and I am generally dead to the world until the morning (unless I have to pee)
  • bully_lady
    bully_lady Posts: 40 Member
    Due to how far away I work, and getting to crossfit at 5:30 a.m....most days I only clock 4-6 hours of sleep. I go through cycles. I can go for weeks like that, and then I have a lazy weekend and regenerate.

    Oddly enough, the more I workout, the longer I can last going on with little sleep. I know this is not ideal, I just need time with my kiddo and there aren't enough hours in the day...
  • jordymils
    jordymils Posts: 230 Member
    ^my wife gets irritated because it takes her a very long time to get to sleep and she is a light sleeper.

    If I'm fairly tired when I go to bed I might be asleep literally 30 seconds after my head hits the pillow and I am generally dead to the world until the morning (unless I have to pee)

    Once I'm asleep, I'm asleep. I wouldn't say I'm a super deep sleeper, but also not light. Although right now I'm trying to train my kitten that night time is sleep time - she seems to think 2-3am is optimal play time, so hopefully locking her out of my bedroom when she wakes me up will teach her pretty quickly! :P