What are you armed with?

cekennon Posts: 44 Member
So I write a monthly message and below was a message I wrote "What are you armed with" (hope you like it)
as I was thinking about the weekend ahead I thought, what can I arm myself with to stay the course with eating. FIrst and foremost I need Jesus in my pocket - no doubt - prayer is a constant - constant commune with him. But I also need to set up my fridge, my plans if any to not sabatage all the good habits I was trying to accomplish this week. - Fresh fruit washed and ready to eat in fridge. Cut up veggies ready. Hummus in single servings. If I go out to eat or go to a party - have a ittle of everything - like if at a resturant and there are appitizers...just have one or some instead of all - I still get to enjoy but I also am putting limits. I know Im going to a movie - where I love to eat candy - but do I really want the candy...can I make up my own treat bag at home with a few things I enjoy but are healthy? The biggest thing I can arm myself with is "I am worth taking care of" I am worth finding new ways to adjust an eat. Its never to late. I am not perfect but I am being made in his image and he wants me to be heatlhy so I can do more and be more. Im going to keep repeating that to myself.
I do some mentoring and cousnleing and when I meet a girl who is broken and feeling unloveable I buy her post it notes and a marker and we write down fabulosu things about her to post on her mirror and tell her self that every day. I encourage you to do the same. Blessings and prayers to break the chains that bind you.

Butterfly Ministries
November 2013
What Are You Armed With?

This month I was stumped. I was not clear what I should write about. November 1st, 2nd and 3rd came and went and I still had no message. There is so much going on in the world today I just did not know where to begin. On one hand I wanted to write about trusting God and how worry, fear and anxiety can destroy us and then on the other hand I wanted to write about comfort and peace in the midst of horrific situations like the LAX shooting. Things here on earth are really exploding. It seems weekly some random person is killing others. Politics have caused so much strife and separation, hatred and anger. I don’t ever recall it being like this.

My friend and I were talking about something the other day and he said “spiritual bubble” That stuck with me and all I could think about is that I want to be in a spiritual bubble with Jesus and never come out. (I would like to take a few people and my poodle with me in that bubble though)

Truth is we need all of those messages right? We need to arm ourselves with truth about worry and fear. About peace that surpasses our human nature. This bible verse is what came to me and it is so powerful. Philippians 4:6. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Do you arm yourself with that truth? What do you tell yourself in the midst of worry and fear? When anxiety has covered you what do you do? Where do you turn? The bible tells us we do not need to be anxious for ANYTHING and in EVERY situation we can bring our request to God and HIS peace which TRANCENDS ALL HUMAN UNDERSTANDING will guard our hearts and minds in Jesus. WOW. Marinate on that for a bit. Really read and soak that up. That would be all the ammunition you would need.

To me…that’s my spiritual bubble. That is what I am clinging to, getting inside of when the world around me is falling apart. For those of us with children, especially young children, you must teach them truth. You have to show them how you arm yourself when tough times happen. Imagine for one minute if you were raised up your whole life on the bible verse above. Every time you came home with a problem, a concern, a worry a fear, even a death in the family; your parents or parent wrote this out for you. Said it out loud to you – it was second nature. What would that look like as an adult? Do you think it would change the way you handle situations?

Let me leave you with this….there is freedom when you can give everything to your heavenly father…just like when you were a little kid (well for most of us). You didn’t have any burdens; they rested all upon your mother and or father.

Cara Kennon


  • bombshellcertification
    oh sister, I hope to be armed with muscle & core strength in addition to Ephesians 6.10-24 :wink:

    Put on the whole armor of God...Gird your loins with truth, put on the breastplate of righteousness, shod your feet with the gospel of peace, take the shield of faith above all, quench the fiery darts of the evil one, take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit which is the word of God. Pray all times in the spirit, with prayer and supplication, To that end keep alert with perseverance, make supplication for all the saints, and for me, that utterance may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel for which I am an ambassador in chains, that I may declare it boldly, as I ought to speak
  • bombshellcertification
    I am armed also with protein powder, good music, cardio & light weights, a good sports bra ( Moving Comfort MAIA), atleast 8 glasses of living water, and all with the healing balm & power of love from my heavenly father!

    Cant deny my love also for liquid crystal deodorant in pomegranate, Meyer Lemon shower gel, Grapefruit body scrub and a great mani/pedi, a great haircut freshen up, cardio after glow & endorphin high, prayer warrior friends, my rosary meditation, and being from NJ a hidden travel size bottle of hair spray just in case....:smokin:
  • Lissajill2004
    I can tell you this...I can do nothing apart from God having a hand in it. Truth is that He already knew that my journey would bring me to this day and this moment. He has prepared my heart already for the challenges I would face. That being said, I also know that I have free will to do the right things or the wrong things. I think it is important to remember where we once were before our walk with the Lord started so we will be grateful for where we are now. In this weight loss journey, I think it is important to remember where we once were so that we can be grateful of where we are now and mindful to keep going. I arm myself with the picture on my phone from Easter that woke me up to reality, and every time, I want to make the bad choice. I will look and remember how I felt. It may be a small thing, but, for me, it makes a big difference.