2 week stall

I had my sleeve on April 9th. I have lost 20lbs but now a week of nothing. I am so sad. I am doing everything the dr told me to do. Has anyone had a stall so fast? How long did it last? I walk a mile a day. Please help!


  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Wow, you lost weight really fast. Your metabolism is just resetting. Make sure you are measuring, weighing and logging your food. Don't eyeball it. I had a major stall 3 wks out cause I was eating way more calories than my 550-650. It was hard to finish my meal in 30 min and I had slipped into grazing on yogurt all day long. My nut set me up with MFP and I never looked back. You will stall all the time, your weight loss will not be linear. I would go 10 days with nothing and then lose 3 lbs in 1 day. Just work the plan and your body will give in. I am only 23 lbs from maintenance and it takes a whole month to lose 4 lbs now. I still only get 750-850 calories a day but that it my reality. Also make sure you are not constipated. You could have 5 lbs of poo in you.
  • cyndiblock1
    Thank you so much! I am just so frustrated because I am barely eating and I am exercising. Thanks for your help though!