HELP!! Any long distance VSGers out there????

bookwormjoy Posts: 16 Member
So...I had surgery August 1 of this year and have lost 95(ish) pounds...I have REALLY come to LOVE running and average about 23,000 steps a day (I am guessing like 11 miles or so)... But it seems like when I work out more, my body maintains or even GAINS weight. I eat about 1400 calories and run approximately 2.5 hours a day. On the days I go even further (up to 4.5 hours) I jump on the scale and it shows a gain of a pound or two.. I have been experiencing long stalls (over 6 weeks long) since I have increased working out...

That being said, I DO NOT want to decrease activity but I am afraid of eating more than 1400 calories...

I am 5'1 and currently weigh 165 pounds...Highest weight was 257lbs and weight at surgery was 247lbs... My goal is to be 150lbs...

I am hoping a veteran VSGer who is a long distance runner has an answer for this problem... Any input would be great!



  • escapepod
    escapepod Posts: 68 Member
    Congratulations on your progress!
    I'm not a long distance runner by any means, though I do put in very long strenuous hikes. But I suspect the reason behind the weight gain may be partly water retention due to muscular inflammation. Most folks find that next-day muscle soreness (or Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness - DOMS) is accompanied by temporary weight gain.
    As far as calorie intake goes, I'm still trying to find a balance that works for me, but I try to be guided by my body (but with a good awareness that I'm prone to head hunger and justifying eating the wrong things after a workout!). If I have enough energy to complete my hikes / runs without "bonking", that says to me that my body's getting enough fuel for the workout. If exhaustion is setting in, I may need to fuel better or smarter. I'm also finding that long workouts tend to suppress my appetite for that day, but I may be extra-hungry the following day. I'm working on adding a bit more calories the following day, but emphasizing protein.
    Also, I'd urge you to remember that weight is not the enemy, fat is the enemy. While I think your weight goal sounds completely reasonable, it may be helpful to focus more on how your body is reshaping itself as you become an athlete. You'll gain some muscle definition, and you may find you're dropping sizes even though the weight loss is slowing.
  • SumoH
    SumoH Posts: 23 Member
    I'm not a runner, but I do cycle just about 40 miles daily. I'm not sure how you can survive off of 1400 calories a day with a 4 hour workout. I find I need about 2000-2800 calories just to maintain @ 5'7" and 190 lbs.

    If you are stalled, it's probably because you are dealing with a energy gap as your body has adapted to your new activity level. Try to up the intensity of your workouts, or incorporate some weight lifting + upping your protein intake. I found that my workout estimates were inflated, and was able to break my stall with more exercise and reduced caloric intake.
  • SumoH
    SumoH Posts: 23 Member
    Looking at the wrong app. 40 km daily not miles. :(