PUPP. Im gonna go crazy. :(

I have been itching like crazy for about 2 weeks now. I mean, literally scratching until I bleed, and I cantttttt stop.

I got tested for liver problems and I was fine, apparently. But a few days later I woke up all scratches and my legs were bleeding from itching so much, so I went to the hospital. They told me I have PUPP, a pregnancy condition that causes severe itching. There is no cure, and no remedies for it. The doctors told me that it will have to go away on it's own when my baby is born.

5 more weeks of this? I don't think I can take it. My whole body itches all day every day and I don't think I will have any skin left by the time this baby comes. So my question is: has anyone else ever had this!? And if so, what did you do to ease the itching a little? They say there are no remedies, but there has to be SOMETHING to help.

I have already tried Calamine lotion, which makes me itch worse. Regular lotions, which make my skin burn. Palmer's Oil for itchy skin, which just doesn't help. And Benadryl, which helps a little but makes me super tired and makes my baby stop moving for about 12 hours, which makes me nervous. Any other suggestions!?


  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I cannot say I truly sympathize as I don't really know what uncontrollable itching feels like.
    I itch, but it is random, here and there, semi-frequent itching - not constant.
    I resist with every ounce I can. I refuse to actually scratch any itch, because if I do it only gets worse. I will get up and walk around or try to do something to keep my mind off of it. I will try rubbing it, instead of itching. Sometimes running it makes it go away without damaging skin. A hot bath helps sometimes too.

    I am sorry I really don't have a lot of advice or know how to help you.

    Perhaps seek a dermatologist?

    Sorry. Best of luck!
  • justinskitty
    justinskitty Posts: 47 Member
    I don't have PUPP but I have the joy of being allergic to the histamines in the air. It's awesome. I itch 100% of the time and the only break I get is from allergy meds and lotion. If I miss my allergy meds I know within 30 minutes. Since I'm pregnant I take Claritin once a day. When I wasn't pregnant I took Claritin and Zyrtec. See a dermatologist and see what they have to say. I'm sure they know what does and doesn't work for PUPP since it's their job to. I completely understand your pain and the insanity it causes. Sending you hope for swift relief!
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    Have you tried Aveeno products? They're normally a successful go-to for all issues itchy in my family. The oatmeal baths, especially. Might be worth a try until you can consult with a dermatologist.
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    I'm so sorry! I haven't had PUPP, but I've heard its absolutely awful! :( I hope it goes away quickly for you!

    I have some other thing right now, called pityriasis rosea, that causes an awful itchy rash. But its supposed to go away on its own in 6-8 weeks. (I"m in the middle of that right now). I use a tiny bit of hydrocortisone cream. Have you tried that? It might help!
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    PUPPP usually involves a rash...... do you have a rash? Look it up on Google.. I would try soaking in a bath with some sort of itch relief....such as Aveeno products or an oatmeal bath. Here's an article with some home remedies: http://health.howstuffworks.com/wellness/natural-medicine/home-remedies/home-remedies-for-itching.htm
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    Sorry to hear you are going through this! I only suffer from regular dry skin that drives me nuts, I can't imagine how you're feeling.

    How about trying BioOil or coconut oil? My hands get really dry and cracked and they, along with the Aveeno lotion that others suggested, are the only products that don't burn. During my first pregnancy I suffered from super itchy boobs because of their sudden/massive growth spurt, and the only relief I found was from BioOil.

    Maybe try cool showers, limiting soaps, or only using ones designed for moisture? I know this one is going to be tough now that it's warming up outside, but maybe shave your legs a little less often? My leg itch is wicked the days I shave, not so bad the next.

    Good luck!
  • harmonyhoran
    harmonyhoran Posts: 48 Member
    yes!!! I know how you feel! I was never officially diagnosed with this but I did a lot of Googling about it. Two years ago with my first pregnancy I got insanely itchy a couple of days before my due date and I ended up being 9 days over. I had pre-eclampsia but only for the last few days. I already had a bazillion stretch marks so when I got itchy on my tummy I couldn't do anything about it because I was stretched and sensitive. then I got it on my thighs. it was like stretchmarks within my stretch marks but more like red spots. I was going bonkers. I couldn't sleep so I was beyond exhausted by the time I was even sent to hospital (4 days before bubs was born) and I couldn't sleep there either. I had to have a shower at 3am the day before my son was born because I was literally going to tear myself apart. For the whole time I had PUPPs I was praying so hard every night that baby would just come NOW. I was pleading so hard. Luckily for me it wasn't for my whole pregnancy and just at the end but if it happened again I would definitely be asking for this baby to be induced asap if it was full term. I cant remember if my bloods said there was anything wrong with my liver but I was getting jabbed every day for 7 days. Anyway, ive read that its more common when having boys, and possibly forst born boys? im 9 weeks pregnant now so I Hope beyond hope that I don't get it again.

    p.s. nothing helped. I got given chalamine stuff (spelling?) but it didn't do anything, neither did super moisturising every day. good luck and hopefully it chills out of bubs arrives!
  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,796 Member
    I had PUPPP so I know exactly how you feel. It's absolutely awful. The only thing that was remotely effective was Aveeno moisturiser. It's cooling and helped a little. If it gets too awful talk to your obstetrician/midwife/doctor about being induced early. I was offered this but fortunately mine eased a couple of weeks before I was due. Was an awful six weeks though.

    Did you know that PUPPP means a 75% or more chance you're having a boy? (I had a girl.) Fortunately it mostly occurs only with a first pregnancy - I didn't get it with my second, although I did have an itchy head from the day I conceived to six weeks after delivery. Nothing remotely as bad as PUPPP though.

    Good luck with finding some relief.
  • sunflower92630
    sunflower92630 Posts: 76 Member
    "Palmers Cocoa Butter Itchy Skin Soothing Oil Pump"!!! I swear by this stuff it wil take the itchiness away, also putting babay diaper rash cream "Boudreaux’s Butt Paste" works miracles!