Welcome! And tell us why you are here!

df1982 Posts: 147 Member
Wow! I'm so excited about how many people have joined up for this!

It's 9 am where I am in Vancouver: Let's do this! Thanks to others for getting the week 1 goals started. I'll add mine shortly, but I also wanted to start a thread where we can introduce ourselves and say something about what we want to get out of this.

As I mentioned, I did a Whole30 in January and felt amazing. Mostly, I still can't believe I stuck with something so consistently for 30 entire days. While a Whole30 is kind of extreme and only meant to be 30 days, I wish I could bring more *balanced* consistency to my fitness, healthy eating and exercize routines as we head towards summer up here in Canada. That's why I'm here!

In order to actually stick this out for 60 days, I think that one of the keys is setting *achievable* goals - and if you exceed them, great! There might be some other people out there who are like me: When I get on a health kick, I say to myself, "I'm going to exercize 7 days a week and eat perfectly every day" - and then inevitably fail. That then gives me an excuse to go all out with the junk food and TV time. Not this time! In order to actually keep this up for two months, I think small goals, balance and mini-rewards for small victories are the way to go.

What about you? What's worked for you in the past? What's blocked your success? Looking forward to getting to know everyone a bit.



  • jlm0710
    jlm0710 Posts: 11 Member
    This group is perfect for me. I am going to Germany at the end of June to see my sister and her family. I really want to lose the weight that I have put on. I want to go and have a great time and be able to look back at my pictures and think what a great time I had instead of just thinking how fat I look. My son just had his birthday party and I was in a few of the pics and all I saw was how fat I looked in them. I need to take better care of myself. A few years ago I took off the weight and then I slowly stopped exercising and watching what I ate and the same 15 lbs are back.

    Maybe setting weekly goals will help keep me on track. I plan to keep my food diary and I have started the C25K. I am hoping I can keep going. If I stick with it, I should be about to the end of the program when I go on my trip.

  • Taylorxxlynne
    Taylorxxlynne Posts: 210 Member
    Thank you for making this group, I love challenges! Especially when there are small goals! I'm going to Yosemite in early July, so I think this is perfect! Need to lose some weight to feel comfortable in my bathing suit. And actually the best thing that worked for me is doing the Jillian Michaels workouts. What's blocked is sweets and fast food.. Right now I'm trying to stay away from fast food as much as I can.
  • suzfimbres
    suzfimbres Posts: 36 Member
    I'm so excited to have found this group! My birthday is at the end of June and my anniversary is a couple weeks later, so I'm looking forward to being in better health by that time. Furthermore, I've been having a lot of health problems lately and I need to actually get committed to a healthier eating plan and exercise routine. Having people to be accountable to definitely helps me keep going!

    Things that have stood in my way, in the past, are my health and my time constraints. But I will be graduating in a couple months, so some of my time will be freeing up finally! I really need to lose some weight to get back to a healthy weight (which will hopefully help with some of my health issues as well). Overall, I'm looking to eventually lose around 30 lbs. But during this challenge I'll settle for about half that amount, lol.
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Hi all!

    I was moving right along toward my goal weight, but then I injured my back and was out 4-5 weeks. After that, it's been a struggle to be consistent. I've gained about 6 pounds over the last few weeks, and am trying to get going again.

    I'm an emotional eater with depression and anxiety. The loss of my motivation and focus caused a snowball effect, and I also ended up losing whatever progress I'd made in my emotional eating. I've tried to be consistent with making good choices, but keep getting off track. I find it easier to eat well when I have a good exercise program, so I've tried several and wasn't able to find my niche until someone recommended I try Les Mills Combat. I just finished week 3, and it's made a huge difference for me, so I'm optimistic about staying on track again.

    I recently joined Les Mills Combat challenge group, and it's really helping me to stay focused and motivated. This group sounds like just the thing to help me reach (or at least get closer to) my goals.
  • cassssie1120
    cassssie1120 Posts: 5 Member
    I don't have any big plans coming up this summer, but I am a big fan of the beach! I used to be in pretty good shape, and eat pretty well, until I moved to a new city, and after a month or two, made some friends, and we started going out drinking, and eating late at night. I gained about 30 lbs pretty fast.

    I've tried over the last year and a half to get back into it, but I'm the same way, I'll be gungho for a month or so with eating right and working out, and then I'll sort of fall out of it for a month or more. The yoyoing is no good. I'm ready to make a change! And I'm hoping the support of the group, along with the small weekly goals is what's finally going to do it.
  • Lovinglish
    Lovinglish Posts: 55 Member
    Hi everyone l hope this is a successful 60 days for us all. I am 38 pounds in from my goal of 155 to 160. I startedbin mid January of this year. I try to work out 5 days a week and my diet for the most part is on point. Where I normally fail at lately is my workouts. I work six days a week, have a six month old and 4 yr old! But I will not make that an excuse because I need to be at my best to be able to care for them the best I can. Looking forward to more results, no plans in the next 60 but I am visiting family I havent seen in years next month. Good luck everyone!!! :-)
  • TASusan
    TASusan Posts: 1
    I always do better when I have others to commit to, so this challenge is perfect. Not too much accountability, but enough. I have found that an exercise buddy helps me stick to a routine, my setbacks always happen at camp - where there is always sweets around. I switch to my summer work beginning of June, and have found my costume a little tight. Want to loose weight, tone up and eat healthy so I can enjoy the summer.
  • sakurasadi
    sakurasadi Posts: 2 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I don't have any big event going on this summer except that it's, well, summer. I went through a break up over the winter and I realize I've put on some pounds and I find that I just can't stay motivated enough to follow through with losing the weight. I always do better exercising when I have someone coaching me to take it in small steps and holding me accountable.

    Here's to a great challenge and achieving our goals together!
  • Abakan
    Abakan Posts: 361 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I don't have any big events for summer but I really need to knuckle down and stick to my calorie allowance before I totally undo all my good work. I reached goal weight in December 2012 and successfully maintained for 12 months, I thought I'd cracked it and had my bad eating habits well under control, how wrong I was, Christmas 2013 come along and I got a taste for chocolate that I couldn't control. I've now put on 8lbs in the last 4 months and I'm hoping that this challenge will help me get back on track and lose those added pounds.

    Thank you for starting this challenge and good luck everyone.
  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I have a wedding this summer down East, I haven't seen some of my family for almost 9 years so I would love to reach my goal this challenge. I lost 8 lbs from Jan to Feb and than some how lost my groove. I than put on 6 lbs in the last week and a half.

    I have 12 weeks to reach my goal. That means 18 lbs in 12 weeks. I should be able to do it. In order to reach that goal I need to lose 14 lbs in this challenge and than the remaining 4 lbs in the next weeks to follow.

    My half way goal for this challenge will be 8 out of those 14 lbs and than 6 lbs I the last 30 days.

    I plan to eat clean, no diary, no wheat, limit as much processed foods as possible.
  • Rhonagh
    Rhonagh Posts: 250 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    My husband retires on the last day of June this year and we always said we would be fit, healthy and able to enjoy it! (I still work part-time because I want to... lol) so this group is perfect for me (us) I have been trying to coax myself into eating healthy and losing weight for the past 3 years! My sister joined my fitness pal in January and has been doing sooo well that she made me sit up and take notice! I started 25 days ago and have lost 9lb with 29lb to go. So I think this type of challenge will be another aid to help me with motivation.

    Good Luck to all... one week at a time is the way to go! x
  • Joi2014
    Joi2014 Posts: 5
    Hello everyone
    I'm trying to lose 40 pounds by Aug. I found a girl on Instagram and decided to try the Itworks products.I'm using the skinny pack The website is www.myultimatebodymakeover.com. I'm in shock how much I've slimmed down just in 5 weeks. Im doing the 90 day challenge and already shedding pounds. I'm also using their Profit powder and replacing 2 meals a day and eating a clean dinner.

    Hope this helps some of you out.
  • asialorraine1987
    Hey Yall!! I am Asia from Texas and I have a family reunion at the end of May and I get to go to Chicago in July!! This is perfect accountability.
  • AyanDeria
    AyanDeria Posts: 3 Member

    My name is Ayan. I am 21 years old and I am from Minneapolis, MN. I am here because I have been lacking in the exercise department for the last month and a half and I feel like I am losing motivation because I have lost some weight. I am only half way through my journey so I feel as though I am slipping and I need to get back in the game. I hope this group helps.
  • webdaughter23
    webdaughter23 Posts: 14 Member
    Hello! I just started back on MFP today and say this group and thought it would be perfect for me. I don't have a big event in June, however I am really pushing myself to start setting small goals to be able to achieve my big goals. I just finished nursing school and am overwhelmed with having to take the State Board test. I have regained the 32 pounds I had lost so I am basically starting all over again. I am not discouraged, however I am a bit overwhelmed with everything in my life right now. So I am just planning it out, setting small goals for myself health wise and studying wise.

    I have decided to following the eating plan of the old 17 day diet due to the fact that the foods are extremely healthy for you and they are foods that I like. I need to cut out the sweets and the carbs as these are my go-to "mind-less" foods that I eat when I am stressed.

    For me this is all about feeling better about myself. I am so, so tired of being overweight and feeling unhealthy. My knees hurt, my neck and shoulders hurt, my energy level is low. I know I don''t do things because I am just not comfortable with myself and how I look. It is time to change that and I am motivated to do so.

    Thank you all for allowing me to share that with you! Good luck to all of us as we begin the week!!
  • sassynkp
    sassynkp Posts: 148 Member
    Hey everyone! My name is Kande, 42 from Texas. I was doing great on my journey this time last year, but mid summer suffered an injury and then after that a family crisis. So over last 8 months I have managed to undo all my progress. I have finally decided that it is time to get back on track so this group is great to help me get back in the swing of things. My goal in this challenge is to getting on track and re-forming good habits.
  • JoyfulToday
    JoyfulToday Posts: 22 Member
    Hello everyone is so inspiring to read all of your posts so far! My main goal is to just be healthier and get my nutrition back on track. I have chronic fatigue and know that anything I do as far as nutrition and exercise can only help me with my symptoms. My boyfriend is moving to an apartment with a wonderful pool and we want to be able to take advantage of it every weekend :) I only have a few pounds to lose until I am bikini body ready. I love the feeling of being confident in a bikini and know if I stay motivated for the next two months I will be able to accomplish my goals!
    I had cut out gluten at the beginning of this year but slip up at least a few times every week. I have also tried to cut out almost all refined extra sugars and dairy. I would call my current eating habits Paleo/clean eating 80% of the time.
    I am so excited to share and all of your successes and stay motivated together!!
  • mlewis119
    mlewis119 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm beginning my fitness journey. My goals are to begin a walking program and work up to jogging 2 miles. I've set some nutritional guidelines to follow. I'm done with fad diets. I plan to join a gym and get a trainer. I look forward to reading your posts. I plan to post frequently so I will be inspired to stay on track. I have many family members that are fit. My sister ran the Boston Marathon. I might not be the "fitness star" of the family, but I'm not trying to compete. I am looking to make some changes in the way I live, and I know it will bring me happiness and good health. I hope everyone meets or exceeds their fitness goals.
  • lily6544
    lily6544 Posts: 1
    I am just starting my wellness journey. I suffer from severe asthma, which makes exercising a big challenge and being overweight only makes asthma worse. My goal in this challenge is to begin to make healthy choices. My moto is to breath or not to breath.
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    I am so glad I found this group. I have lost and gained 20 lbs. on MFP. I have had a hard time getting motivated the past few months. It sure helps when there is an active group...I so hope this group will challenge me to make the healthy changes. I do have a wedding to attend in July as well as my 30th anniversary! I've been reading the posts and I can relate to everyone! Thanks for starting this challenge... :bigsmile: