Sorry Everyone!!

kittyhidalgo Posts: 16 Member
Hey everyone,

I am so sorry I've been off the grid. I'm a photographer and I had a wedding that lasted all weekend, so I haven't had a moment to spare! I was literally running around from 6 am to 1:30 am Saturday!! Yikes!!

Anyway, I'm getting everything back on track today.

I would highly suggest that everyone "like" the Skinny Kitty Challenge Facebook Page - even if I'm crazy busy I'll still at least get the daily challenge posted there.

Also, if anyone plans to participate in the prize contest, please let me know asap so that I can get your info down and make sure you know where to send the $10.

I promise you can trust me! I'll keep all the money safe until we have a winner, and then I'll purchase and send out the prize(s).