Hi! (Introduction/Looking for Support)

Hi everyone!

I'm 35 years old and was diagnosed with PCOS in November of last year. It was a revelation ... doctors have been telling me for my whole life that I' m basically fat and lazy and just needed to TRY HARDER. Then, within 15 minutes of an appointment with a new NP for my annual exam, she ticked off the symptoms she saw and had me tested. I started Metformin (500mg) Thanksgiving week (in hindsight, not my best idea), along with BCP (in conjunction with my IUD) and assorted vitamins, and aimed for 125 g carbs/day.

It took about two months for the nausea to pass ... and I lost a steady 2 lbs a week! I went from 225 lbs to 205 in no time. Then in January I started grad school, my grandmother passed of cancer and my 12- year-old stepson came to live with us full-time. I struggled to maintain with medication and diet through February, but honestly stopped everything in March--no meds, no low-carb diet. Obviously I'm seeing the weight pack back on again, and feeling guilty.

So I thought I'd set a tracking goal, and try to get involved in a community to get some more support and keep this medicated/low carb lifestyle front-of-mind.

I'm trying to branch out from eggs/meat and cheese to other low carb, high protein foods, and have started going to hot yoga once or twice a week. My doctor wants me to stay around 100 g carbs and protein daily, with about 40 g fat. That is REALLY HARD!

Aside from the PCOS--I'm in public relations, live in Washington State, have two dogs (along with the husband and stepson), love to read, knit and watch obscure (Doctor Who) or schmaltzy (Switched at Birth) TV shows. :) I'm getting my masters in Integrated Marketing Communications online from West Virginia University. I also LOVE to bake, and that has been a tough part of this transition ... how do you NOT grab a thick slice off a loaf of bread fresh from the oven???

Anyways, this post is just to jumpstart my renewed commitment to the lifestyle, and hopefully get some more support either by lurking or joining in. Thanks!


  • lucy529
    lucy529 Posts: 127 Member
    Hi !!!

    I'm felt like drs were just thinking I was lazy but I gave a great new team who have been behind me this whole crazy journey. I do a keto genie diet which is very low carb high fat which works great for me :) feel free to add me if you'd like
  • Bracken8974
    Bracken8974 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello everyone, so pleased to find so many like minded people. I'm from Cornwall, UK i have two daughters 13yrs & 3mnths (just a small gap, lol) i'm currently breast feeding my second child so am eating extra calories to sustain my milk production, i have PCOS which i can't manage with meds at the moment (or even diet properly to help my symptoms) whilst feeding my baby girl though desperately need to loose weight so that i start to feel (& look) better. I'm on ravelry & have started designing my own patterns, i have loads running around my head or part designed (some even designed) just need to find time to type them up, i do have some free patterns listed on ravelry & am currently designing PCOS awareness patterns for our group Cyster Crafters With PCOS. (on ravelry & facebook) I've kind of gone mad on squares at the moment though sadly my brain works faster than my fingers so have lots of designs that need knitting up. I can only crochet basic granny squares & do intend taking the time to learn more one day as i love the way it grows so fast. I have so, so many works in progress on the go, i'm trying to get them all finished up so i'm only allowing myself to work on squares or PCOS patterns if i'm not working on one of my WIP. (i won't hold my breath though as i'm such a fickle knitter, lol)
