GBS Test gone wrong :(

qhiggins86 Posts: 113 Member
I'm going on 36 weeks tomorrow and had my appointment this morning where they informed me they would be doing the group B strep culture. I assumed it would happen today and waited for my doctor to come in.

Now from what I've been reading this should have been a painless swab between the vagina and *kitten*. Without even looking when she lifted up the cover on my lap, she jabbed the swab in my urethra area! It was so painful and I was so shocked that I almost started crying. I was silent for the rest of my visit and it still hurts a little.

I wish I was joking. I can handle the pain, but I'm seriously concerned that if she didn't collect the sample right and I do have group B strep that it won't be caught and my baby will be at risk. I called the triage nurse line because I was so embarrassed I didn't just say something at the visit. But they want to reschedule another test and I requested to never be seen by that Dr again.

Last thing a prego chick needs this far along is a swab stuck in the wrong hole... sheesh.


  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I had to go searching this as I am was not sure myself exactly how this test is supposed to be done.... Says it is supposed to be a swab of the *kitten* and the vagina. Not in between the two but taking samples of both. If one of the holes was missed, it sounds like it is likely it could be missed, if you have it that is.
    Glad they are retesting you. I will keep this in mind for my test in 3 weeks.
  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    When I had mine doctor swabbed the vagina first and then the outer edge of the *kitten*. She did not insert the swab for the *kitten* portion, but did the vaginally one. I am so sorry to hear about your experience. Hope they respect your wishes about this doctor.
  • qhiggins86
    qhiggins86 Posts: 113 Member
    That's exactly what I was expecting, stephysd, but definitely not what happened. Sorry, I realized this post was a little TMI but it's not like I have a different group of people I can share this with... :laugh:

    I'm just hoping and praying she's not the on call doctor when I go into labor.
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    Aw. I'm sorry! Sounds painful and horrible! Mine did the swab in my vagina then the same swab in my *kitten* (not very far in - hardly felt it all for either). It should NOT have been painful, I'm so sorry. Doing checks is painful for me, but this test hasn't been.

    Hope you don't run into them again!
  • qhiggins86
    qhiggins86 Posts: 113 Member
    Now I'm furious -- I got a call back from some assistant of some sort telling me that they'll charge me to do a second test unless the first test comes back as inadquate cells collected. THEN the lady had the nerve to tell me that I was worrying about things I had no business worrying about. Oh, I'm sorry... a patient should never have to worry that her doctor knows the difference between her urethra and her *kitten* :explode:

    So now I have to sit here and wait until the results come back in before they'll do anything. Lovely. I wasn't happy with this place to begin with... this is what I get for not changing OB practices sooner. :cry:
  • qhiggins86
    qhiggins86 Posts: 113 Member
    It took 2 hours and lots of research, but I found a new office that will accept me this far along in my pregnancy. Lesson learned: change doctors when you consider it the first time... don't wait because it most likely won't get better!
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I went through a couple pediatricians because of ill experiences and changed right when I was not happy. But, changing pediatricians is easier than an ob half way through a pregnancy. I commend you for doing so! Good for you!
    I am extremely grateful to this day I left the pediatricians and got a new one. The pediatrician I left lost his practice because of a lawsuit and I think the world of my current pediatrician - love him!
    I contemplated changing my OB but didn't - sounds like my luck was better though. I have not had any problems since and am feeling confident it will be just fine.
    I can forgive and forget once, not twice. The second time I will forgive again but forget you :p
  • qhiggins86
    qhiggins86 Posts: 113 Member
    Sometimes it pays to listen to your gut insticts, tiggerhammon!!! I'm hoping nothing eventful happens during this transition between OBs this late in pregnancy, but I cannot give them my business anymore! I learned my lesson and I definitely won't hesitate if it came to a pediatrician I didn't like for my child. Glad you didn't!