Output difference

Does anyone else have a difference on how much milk each breast produces? I usually get 1-2 ounces more on my left side than I do my right. I try to keep him latched to each side about the same amount of time each time he nurses but he has always seemed to like the left side better too. I was just curious to see if this happened to anyone else.


  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    Yes ma'am! My lefty seems to be my champ breast as well. It's my understanding that it's not unusual for one breast to produce more than the other, even when you try to nurse/pump equally.
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    Very common and nothing to worry about, almost every woman will notice one breast will out produce the other. (And related, often while nursing breasts will be different sizes! My right breast is a full cup size larger than my left. Now THAT'S attractive!)
  • Same here. Left breast produces more milk and is bigger than right breast. For so,e strange reason my daughter prefers my right breast which makes it worse. Totally normal.
  • TurquoiseViolet
    TurquoiseViolet Posts: 47 Member
    Thanks ladies!
  • sarahelizaaaa
    sarahelizaaaa Posts: 30 Member
    Oh, lordddd, yes. And I can SEE the difference, which is not fun (lopsided).
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    My boobs are a little uneven to begin with. It's not noticeable while dressed, and while undressed you'd really have to be looking for it, but not surprisingly, with my older son, my bigger left boob produced more than my right.

    The second time around, my right side produced better than my left.

    It's totally normal!