how to lose weight and play any game.



  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I would say, limit gaming time, and try not to eat while gaming.

    I would also say, try to avoid games which need you to devote long periods of time - MMOs in particular. I had a break from MMOs when I first started losing weight, and switched to games that I could save and quit after a short play. (Of course, you can quit MMOs, but it's easier to get caught up). I haven't followed my own advice and have now gone back to MMOs, but I try to be careful. It's so easy to sit down and then realise 2 hours or more have gone.

    Pretty much this. I found I needed to cut down on my gaming habits. Simply sitting on my butt everyday and also eating fast food all the time was not helping. I stopped eating while gaming and quit MMO's altogether. I still love them but I don't have the time to invest into them. I mostly play single player stuff now. I used to average 6-8hrs a day everyday. Now it's 2-4 hrs a week.
  • pdank311
    pdank311 Posts: 137 Member
    I actually started on here a month before MoP launch and lost steadily through the first 4 months of the xpac.

    Yup took time off work to get to cap level. Did all the stupid dailies / vp capping etc.

    I did it like this. Well I still do it like this for anything I have on my agenda.


    Come home and work out

    Cook / Eat dinner

    Whatever else I want to do.

    If I actually logged into something directly after work, everything else is out the window. My general rule of thumb is that I'm not allowed to sit down when I get home until after my workout is done. It sucks, but I'm not trying to go back to the where I was before. Priorities I guess.
  • Matrix_Dragon
    Matrix_Dragon Posts: 33 Member
    I think some clever engineer here needs to devise a way to hook up your laptop/console to the power conduits on a treadmill.

    The more you workout the more you can game.

    Seems like a good fit to me.