Check In May 5, 2014



  • julieworley376
    julieworley376 Posts: 444 Member
    YAY on Zumba to help you through the emotional stuff. I don't know what is going on but please know you can email me off list anytime if you need to vent.
  • tishtash77
    tishtash77 Posts: 430 Member
    So last week was my birthday. I had planned on staying on track 6 days and on my birthday just not over eating, but not tracking either. Well that did not go so well! Seemed to indulge the whole week. So with Saturday's weigh in of a 2.6 gain I had to grab myself AGAIN and refocus. So Saturday and Sunday went well, today is going good so far. My week until Friday is planned so I can just make changes if I need to. What I need to get a handle on is water. Does anyone find drinking 8 glasses of water actually helps with weight loss? I read somewhere on MFP that the whole water thing is rubbish, that any liquid counts, anyone here have any opinion?
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    I am posting from phone so forgive typos. Not sure about water. But way to go only gaining 2.6. I go away for a 3 day weekend and stay on plan for a day and a half and end up coming back 10lbs heavier. Every time.
  • lots2lose51
    lots2lose51 Posts: 29 Member
    I have also been shocked by the amount of sodium that is in the food i eat, its very deceiving!

    Ive that much to lose ive set my tracker at three stones, i think if i put the whole number on it will look to overwhelming for me does anyone agree?:blushing:
  • Sandyslosenit
    Sandyslosenit Posts: 322 Member
    So last week was my birthday. I had planned on staying on track 6 days and on my birthday just not over eating, but not tracking either. Well that did not go so well! Seemed to indulge the whole week. So with Saturday's weigh in of a 2.6 gain I had to grab myself AGAIN and refocus. So Saturday and Sunday went well, today is going good so far. My week until Friday is planned so I can just make changes if I need to. What I need to get a handle on is water. Does anyone find drinking 8 glasses of water actually helps with weight loss? I read somewhere on MFP that the whole water thing is rubbish, that any liquid counts, anyone here have any opinion?
    All I know about water is what I've been told by many "nutrition experts". I work with MRDD and spend most of my time around medical professionals. They claim that the body doesn't absorb liquids with caffeine the same as those without. Ive been told that as long as your getting half your body weight (300lbs = 150oz) spread out evenly over the day in noncaffeinated liquids (it doesnt have to be plain water) you should be properly hydrated. So if ya hate water grab some crystal light type drink. I carry a 32oz cup with me all day. When I have something with me all the time I don't even notice I'm drinking that much. I hope that helps. Blessings
  • claudie08
    claudie08 Posts: 159 Member
    Claudie that is awesome you are seeing results. As far as food goes what do you think needs improving? Are you tracking, weighing, measuring every single day?

    Hi Julie,
    Yes, I am doing all that and eating back some calories on days when I work out. I log on bad days, log when I have cravings late at night ( I know THIS is a problem), create recipes to get the correct cals. Someone suggested eating more because 1,510 may not be enough and I spoke with a dietician who said 1500 a day is enough.

    Pulling my hair out!!!:explode: :explode:
  • tishtash77
    tishtash77 Posts: 430 Member
    It is not so much that I hate water, it is just I don't think of it lol. I suppose I just need to try and get into the habit of having some on my desk at all times. In fact as soon as this post is done I will get some!

    Several if not most of us also seem to have the unplanned snacking/eating in the evening problem. I wonder if an evening post each day might help to remind us to stay strong? No unplanned eating in the evening! I know I often have a great day and then just totally cave in to anything I can find late evening time.
  • Sandyslosenit
    Sandyslosenit Posts: 322 Member
    I'm a late evening snacker to. So now I just plan for it. I have a snack that includes fiber to carry me through the night.
    Examples :
    mini bag of light kettle popcorn
    Apple sliced very thin - so it takes me awhile to eat it.
    Cucumber slices and roasted red pepper humus
    Pickled beets
    Fiber 1 cereal ( dry - I eat it just like popcorn, I'm a nibbler -Lol)
    Veggie chips
    Veggies and lite dip
    I try to always have something to drink before I start snacking. My go to thing when I feel the munches and I know I've had enough food is hot tea!! I thought I hated tea intill I learned there was proper ways to brew it that effects the flavor. Now its one of my passions in life. Ohhhh the many, many flavors - its mind boggling! Lol. I had walnut praline and pumpkin pie today. When you use sugar free sweetener its a calorie free treat! Plus when paired with a high fiber snack its so satisfying!!! Blessings
  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member

    I have 2 pairs of jeans that shrunk after I put them in the dryer last year. When I tried them on, I barely got them on and they would not close around my stomach. I cried because they were my only pairs!! Last week I tried them on and not only did I get them all the way up, but they zipped. They're still tight, but I got them ON ans was able to zip them up!!! I was shocked. How could I have done this with only an 8 lbs weight loss?! This is telling me that even though the scale is not budging, things are starting to get sucked in!!

    Time to ramp up my workouts!! Now, if I can correct my diet, I'll be golden.

    I had to laugh....not at you, but at memories of 'me' purposefully trying to get into skinny jeans (when they were in fashion about a thousand years ago0, laying on the bed with a wire coat hanger hooked in the zipper and laying flat on that bed pulling the zipper up to get the zipper closed! It's a wonder I never 'split the seams'!! Good on you for getting into them!! Ramp up those workouts!!!! Go for it!!!
  • scubasuenc
    scubasuenc Posts: 626 Member
    Today has been a roller coaster. I had a training class today, and all morning I wanted to nibble and snack in class. It was a boredom thing, sitting there passively listening to the instructor just didn't do it for me. I was proud of myself because I held off until my normal lunch and made it through the afternoon session snack free.

    I had a protein bar before before I headed to the gym because I was hungry and because I knew I needed to get my blood sugar to an acceptable level before working out. I lifted weights and did 35 minutes on the elliptical. When I got off the elliptical I knew my blood sugar was crashing. By the time I got out to the lobby, sat down and tested it was down to 70. Given the fact it is usually elevated right after exercise, 70 was not good. So I had to eat another protein bar. That raised it enough to get me to a safe level so I could drive home.

    Once I crashed I felt yucky the rest of the evening even though my blood sugar was back in the normal range. I'm ready to just call it a day and go to bed.
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Hi gang, quick check in here after a good day. I spent almost two hours in the pool, swam quite a bit and did water aerobics. Food has been good.

    Tonight's dinner here was amazing. One of the women raises her own livestock and vegetables, and she brought home made venison sausage, a hubbard squash from her garden, freshly harvested porkchops and bacon from one of their pigs, and all kinds of organic, homemade canned veggies and fruits. What a treat it is to sit down to a meal made from real food grown locally by someone sitting at the table. We even had fresh milk. My body feels nourished and happy.

    I have my first weigh in in two weeks this Thursday at my exercise physiology appointment. I hope the news is good. I feel like I'm losing, and I'm dying to hop on the scale, but I get so weird about the scale numbers that it's better if I don't weigh in. I know is that familiar feeling of panic is starting to rise in my throat, and my response to that panic is to want to eat. How crazy is that? But... instead I'll log my food, do my exercise, and check the group, and just keep going, one day at a time.

    Thank you to everyone who posted today... love to read what everyone is doing and especially to see new people joining every day. what a special group of people!
  • monmonof3
    monmonof3 Posts: 47 Member
    daily victory: Realized I've followed my diet plan for an entire week without breaking off and didn't notice (didn't obsess over what I'm not eating). Pretty happy about that. :D

    Love the non-scale victories!! That is so great!

    Stayed within my calories today. Did a lot of walking between shopping in town and then shopping for plant starts at the farm. Today was my weigh-in day at TOPS and I was down 2.6 lbs for the week. All in all a good day. Sleep well everyone.
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    It is not so much that I hate water, it is just I don't think of it lol. I suppose I just need to try and get into the habit of having some on my desk at all times. In fact as soon as this post is done I will get some!

    The easiest way i found to fix that is simply to always carry around a water bottle. When it empties refill it religiously, plus your forced to get up and move about. That way you always have it on hand. Can help with food and drink cravings as well.
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    My feet are killing me, i can feel the blisters, but I had a fairly good day. It's not over yet and it looks like everyone else has decided that dinner will be skip tonight so I'll have to figure something out.

    It was a bizzy day and more chaotic then i wanted. Couldn't eave in time to pickup a light jamajuice for the long early drive to a clients house. Id din;t have tim to make breakfast so I had planed on picking it up and the juice fills me and the calories aren't bad. So I ended up at the drive thought. It didn't break my day and has fit into the calorie count fine but wasn't what i wanted and their was just no joy in the taste. I think that is a goal in itself, letting yourself realize how crappy the food is taste wise, theirs nothing interesting in it.

    Picked up a sandwich for lunch and speed off to another emergency client. Didn't have a lot of time at home today and between getting sick and work I haven't had a lot of time for yoga so i need to concentrate on that and at least get it back in 3-4 times a week along with my 6 days a week of walking.

    Anyway, a good day all around even if i couldn't cook for myself . Ok time to go figure out the dinner situation.