Where's Everyone?

jbuc07 Posts: 914 Member
So, our group has dissipated. I know I've been busy. (Read over eating/lazy). I've let life get a hold of me and made too many excuses for myself. After eating 3,000 calories yesterday. (Yes. 3,000) I realize I HAVE to make a change. There is 6 weeks left. 1 month till school's out. And pool's open. This summer, I see a lot of pool/beaches being predicted. I'd rather not embarrass my self. It's also time for grocery shopping. Now's my opportunity to really make a change. Stop buying the junk. Cook the meals, Stop eating out. Stop eating Candy, and cookies, and cake...

So, today is the beginning of my journey.

Here's my goals. (Ladies, I'll need some accountability please!!!!)

Exercise 1 hour everyday. (Walk/Run and strength) --- NOT negotiable.!
Eat better. This means no more sweet treats. Including the creamer. I'm just gonna have to suck it up. I've wasted almost a year now!
Drink 5 glasses of water. (Each of my glasses is 24oz.)
Everything else in moderation. 1500 Calorie/day.

My exception to this month... Mother's Day/My little girl's bday. Those will be my treat days. Those days, I'll allow 1700, and a sweet treat, but the exercise still has to happen!

How about you ladies????


  • TseliB
    TseliB Posts: 300 Member
    I'm exactly in the same space, J... Time to pull up my socks! Tried doing NMTZ this morning and I got physically ill!! Only made it halfway through :sad: That was a real wake up call. So I'm prepping my week's meals and setting goals today. Here are mine:

    - At least 500 cal per day 5 days/week or 2500 cal per week

    - No More alcohol on weekdays (this is a BIG one)
    - Eat back no more than 50% of exercise calories
    - Stay above 1200 cals daily, but below my total MFP allowance
    - Keep carbs & fat within my MFP allowance

    Accountability is the way. So if you've got my back, I've got yours!
  • jbuc07
    jbuc07 Posts: 914 Member
    Accountability is the way. So if you've got my back, I've got yours!

    You've got it!!!
  • SharkBaitRachy
    SharkBaitRachy Posts: 368 Member
    I'm in! It just stinks b/c of the computer situation / not group friendly app. I hardly go onto the computer and it's a PITA to go through Safari on an itty bitty phone screen. But I miss our group so much! I just wish there was an easier way to communicate on the app beside our news feeds. ::sigh::

    I too fell off the wagon - Life. Flu, Sick kids, Soccer games, Mom in the hospital, Stress... I started and stopped 30 Day Slimdown twice in April. My only saving grace was my involvement in another MFP group. I never checked in for the same reasons, but the goal was 90 miles, 900 minutes, 9000 calories for April. I did 141 miles of cardio last month so I am not a total blah.
    I ended up taking 4 days off of everything - exercise and calorie counting. OMG!!! I carb loaded >2000 a day and gained 8 pounds! This scares me, even if some is bloating. It's so easy to fall back into bad habits and gain gain gain. School is almost out for the summer and I'm freaking on how I can incorporate my jogging with the kids. The boys on bikes get tired after a mile... EEEEEEK!

    I'm challenging myself to keep moving forward with my goals:
    - Drop another 10-20 pounds or muscle sculpt (which will cause a gain)
    - Train for, do and successfully complete a half marathon in less than 150 minutes by December
    - Trim the waist. Cut off the bat wings. Slim the inner thighs.
    - Continue with the Bikini Body Mommy 2.0 Challenge for 90 days. Jillian has been benched lol

    I'll keep looking for you guys when I log onto my PC and on my newsfeed. I know I see some peeps on Instagram, but if Facebook works, I'm on there too SharkBait Rachel (Rachel King n Florida) For my profile pic, I'm in a pink tank top all sweaty from a jog. lol

  • alli4795
    alli4795 Posts: 672 Member
    I'm here too! I've been delaying replying to this post, really hoping I could get some motivation to be inspiring and encouraging...sorry. I love your challenges for yourselves and that you're sticking together - awesome!

    I'm at a bit of a loss as to what to do with myself.... As you've heard from me before, March and April were hard and after (an amazing!) vacation, I regained 5 of the 8lbs I had lost since January in only a week. And with less than a week and a half until my next vacation - low seniority, must use time in the 'shoulder' seasons - I'm not really motivated to get going.

    But I'll still be here, I'll still check-in to see what you inspiring ladies are up to...and when I get my butt in gear and come up with a plan of attack, you'll be the first to know!

    Thanks :)
  • TseliB
    TseliB Posts: 300 Member
    Just checking in, buddies. I'm slowly getting back on that horse. It took a week, but whatever. Lol. Doing pretty well on my exercise goals and only went over on my food calories once this week. Of course there is still the weekend to go (lord, help me!), but I'm hopeful.

    Hope we're all feeling stronger and getting ready to go into the weekend and the week ahead with a positive spirit. Stay in touch!
  • jbuc07
    jbuc07 Posts: 914 Member
    I fell hard! LOL. My situation isn't probably unique, but, I don't wanna post my life to the internet either. LOL. I did have a very stressful couple of weeks. Sick kids, someone in the hospital, it just keeps going. And, I used all of these as an excuse to not hold myself accountable.

    I'd like to start the slimdown over. I'm gonna give it a shot today. I had originally wanted a rest day on Sunday, but since that is my "cheat" day, I think it's better to actually get a workout done that day, so that I'm more accountable and (hopefully) less likely to binge.

    So, here's to the next 30days.....

    Anyone else???