What's in your Lunch Box?



  • claudie08
    claudie08 Posts: 159 Member
    1 packet Better Oats oatmeal
    medium banana

    turkey, leafy greens and feta cheese wrap
    greek yogurt

    2 servings WW string cheese
    medium banana
    another greek yogurt

    And I have a lemon wedge for my water.
  • tishtash77
    tishtash77 Posts: 430 Member
    Trying the spaghetti squash cheesey bake thing this lunchtime from skinny taste. I really like her recipes, she doesn't use a bunch of stuff only health nuts use that I have never heard of (sorry if that sounds insulting), just good but healthy food.

    Tonight is crouton crusted chicken breast (4oz), roast rutabaga, potato and carrots, and broccoli.
  • Sandyslosenit
    Sandyslosenit Posts: 322 Member
    Today's lunch was at Taco Bell with my little man (nephew Marcus) I had the Chicken Cantina Bowl. It was worth every one of those 530 calories!!! So satisfying. I normally have my food planned out so I eat every 3-4 hrs. I had lunch at 1pm and its almost 4pm and I'm still so comfy. I feel like I just ate. There's no way I can focus on preparing my next snack, so I'm just going to let it ride to see how long it sticks to the ribs. It was the perfect blend of protein, good fat, carbs and veggies. A well rounded meal in one bowl. :drinker:
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    I soo wanna learn from y'all. I get stuck in such ruts sometimes. We are such creatures of habit it's hard to step outside my "normal" foods

    My "breakfast" is usually about 230a.m.

    huge cuppa coffee with cream.
    maybe a cup of hot tomato juice....or...
    a serving of "chopatooli"

    6-8 a.m.

    NONE of this is written in stone.

    baby carrots or celery sticks with a lil dip
    Small granny smith apple
    midget dill pickles
    1 oz of cashews
    ...and sometimes 2 or 3 ounces of meat, beef jerky etc.


    a banana or a couple "cuties"

    Supper is about 5

    4oz vegies of some kind
    4oz cottage cheese
    4-6oz lean meat of some kind
    Romaine lettuce salad with a half tomato w/homemade sour cream/vinegar/onion dressing


    no sugar added tropical popsicles

    I NEVER manage to eat enough proteins and I seldom ever hit 1200 calories in any given day. If I go over ...and I have a couple times, it's usually a weekend, and it's never on junk food. I dont think Ive even breached 1500 calories when Ive "splurged" as we call it.
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    I was s busy at work today I never got around to eating lunch. At about 3pm I dug into the hard boiled egg and piece of cheese I brought just so I wouldn't be sick on the drive home. I am always getting nauseated when I drive home from work if I haven't eaten...and today was an especially long one due to traffic.

    I did Just have the best dinner. Maybe a little different. I made an omelet out of southwestern egg beaters, cheese, green beans, ham and jalapenos with skinny cow cheese in It too. It was so good!
  • debunny34
    debunny34 Posts: 97 Member
    I have been out a lot this week so have been grabbing an Atkins shake for lunch several day :/ . I am worried though because even though I am eating my normal breakfast and a balanced dinner and even a weigh watchers snack MFP is telling me I am not eating enough and may stall on my weight loss ..ugh. So hitting that middle ground is tough!!i