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  • Enic03
    Enic03 Posts: 165 Member
    17W 2D now and feeling a little overwhelmed. I feel like we have so much to do, but don't want to get started on things too early. I'm just not sure where to start with preparing for our first baby. We are not going to find out the gender, so that might make things a little easier, as far as stocking up on clothes. Speaking of stocking up on clothes...where do you even get gender neutral baby clothes?!?! I can't find anything besides ducks and that was around Easter!

    Also, my husband is being a slob, and I want the house clean and prepared for his baby, so what if we have 5 months to go! lol But seriously, I want us to start working on keeping our house clean for when the baby comes. We have a dog who sheds A LOT and his hair is driving me crazy, I just picture our baby being covered in dog hair constantly.

    Sorry. End Rant!

    We aren't finding out the gender either, 27W 1D here :) Honestly I don't get why people only buy green/yellow things for gender neutral and this has been a battle I have had with many people. To me, the only color that is not gender neutral is pink (why can't a girl wear blue?!) Really, there are not a lot of clothes you need anyway for you newborn as they will grow out of their onesies in the blink of an eye so if you really want to shop for clothes easier the best time is after the baby is born and you know the gender. This may be just me though because I am not into the whole pink vs blue thing anyway. I guess I am old fashioned in the sense that there were generations that never were able to find out the gender and they did just fine clothing us :) Good luck!
  • tzig00
    tzig00 Posts: 875 Member
    I'm having a little boy and 29 weeks on Friday. It's scary to think that I have 11 weeks left. I just married my husband last Saturday so we finally got that stress out of the way which I thought would help my heartburn...wrong! I can not shake this heartburn and it's so bad that sometimes it's painful to breathe because my throat is so damaged. I take TUMS with me everywhere I go and then ultimately have to take gum as well to combat the TUMS breath. I'm going on my husband's insurance so I just got my new doctor that I meet tomorrow which is also scary. You want to actually know your doctor by the time you deliver and hopefully I will. I feel like the girl in knocked up because life has been so crazy! I have an almost 4 year old little boy who has a sensory disorder and I'm sure more but because of the insurance he was on we haven't been able to diagnose him. I have no idea how he's going to react to a little one coming into my life since he's been my life for almost 4 years. I'm going down to part time at my job and hoping they don't cut my pay for it after I have the baby since I'm the bread winner of my family. It's just been insane lately and I'm hoping things will slow down. *rant over.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I am not super big on the pink and blue thing so much as style. Dresses, frilly socks and bows don't go on boys. I wouldn't put my girl in cargo jeans and a rustic cowboy button up shirt either. I like it when little boys dress looking like little men and I love 'princessing' up the girls.
  • tzig00
    tzig00 Posts: 875 Member
    My friend has a 3 year old little boy and she hasn't cut his hair yet and he's constantly being called a little girl. She dresses him in blue tops usually and jeans and gets offended when people say what a cute little girl she has. No offense to anyone out there but if you're going to do that, you can't get offended when someone says the wrong gender just like if you dress a girl baby in blue. All babies look like babies and normally you can't tell the gender unless something gives it away like a headband or something pink on the carseat, if they even pay attention to that.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I have been feeling a bit envious of those on here that have already had their babies or are showing signs of progress towards that. I was really hoping that my doctor appt this morning would tell me I am not far behind them, as today was to be my first cervix exam.
    No such luck. Doctor says baby is upside down (that is good) and my cervix is softening but I have not dilated at all and baby isnt effaced. He says I am right where I should be for how far along I am and everything looks good, baby is most likely to stay until due day. *sigh* That is not what I wanted to hear.
    Still envious of those having their babies now and wish mine would decide to be just a couple weeks early but I will have to wait.
  • Momma2CharlieJane
    Momma2CharlieJane Posts: 142 Member
    I have been feeling a bit envious of those on here that have already had their babies or are showing signs of progress towards that. I was really hoping that my doctor appt this morning would tell me I am not far behind them, as today was to be my first cervix exam.
    No such luck. Doctor says baby is upside down (that is good) and my cervix is softening but I have not dilated at all and baby isnt effaced. He says I am right where I should be for how far along I am and everything looks good, baby is most likely to stay until due day. *sigh* That is not what I wanted to hear.
    Still envious of those having their babies now and wish mine would decide to be just a couple weeks early but I will have to wait.

    I got the same response at my appt yesterday and I was due Sunday. They come when they want. We just have to learn to be patient. I am usually pretty good at that, but this is so much harder, LOL!
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member

    I got the same response at my appt yesterday and I was due Sunday. They come when they want. We just have to learn to be patient. I am usually pretty good at that, but this is so much harder, LOL!

    That right there is exactly my fear :'( I went 5 days overdue with my daughter and really don't want to do that again!
  • HeyNikkita
    HeyNikkita Posts: 147 Member
    My feet are starting to swell :frown:
    With baby #1 - My feet were water balloons at this point (32 weeks).
    So I'm in a better position than I was last time around but I still wish they wouldn't. I can get away with sandals for a little while longer.
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    My feet are starting to swell :frown:
    With baby #1 - My feet were water balloons at this point (32 weeks).
    So I'm in a better position than I was last time around but I still wish they wouldn't. I can get away with sandals for a little while longer.

    I had major swelling with my first, but with my second, I was able to avoid it by eating raw garlic daily, taking a mag/cal supplement, drinking tons of water, and eating lots of cucumber. Salt baths are also excellent. (Or just being able to go swimming, if you can!) Maybe some of those things will help! I have not tried this, but dandelion root tea is also supposed to be helpful!
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I had absolutely horrible water retention with my first. Been lucky this time around. Almost 36 weeks and have none.

    Try eating celery, cucumbers, strawberries, honeydew, cantaloupe and other natural water draining foods. Drink dandelion tea, but not too much.

    Massage around your ankles every night and then elevate your feet higher than your hips for at least 15 minutes before going to sleep.

    I have an aunt that is a massage therapist that has been working on me. I am convinced this is how I have kept my water retention under control. I have had a little bit of water retention sneak up and then she comes and works on me and the next day it is gone. I don't know how that works, it just does.
    I know this is not a luxury everyone can have. If it weren't for the fact that my aunt has been doing these treatments for me free of charge there is no way I would be getting them. But, if you know someone or have the luxury of getting a massage therapist, I highly suggest it!
    Even if you have a spouse or someone wonderful in your life you can get to rub your feet for you at night, it would help a lot.
  • kalyrra
    kalyrra Posts: 672 Member
    Finally got my gender scan appointment set up! June 6th... can't wait to find out what we're having!

    Okay, a kinda gross topic: does anyone have any experience with fungus under their toenails? I'm not sure where it came from... I painted my toenails awhile ago, and it's all peeling off now, and my nails are all yellow and there's tons of junk under them. I'm pretty sure my big toenail is going to fall off. Are we allowed to treat this while pregnant?
  • futurestarz
    futurestarz Posts: 510
    My anatomy scan is scheduled for June 6th also! My husband and I are planning to wait to find out the gender until birth, but it's going to be very tempting when we are in the ultrasound room!

    I found out at my last appointment (last week) that my cervix is short. My doctor said I should be on "pelvic rest" but I'm not really sure what that means. I got Tracey Anderson's "The Pregnancy Project" but I'm not sure if those exercises are compatible with pelvic rest. Any ideas? I'm finally feeling up to working out again, and I want to stay healthy during this pregnancy.

    5 months to go today!
  • kalyrra
    kalyrra Posts: 672 Member
    So I got a call from my OB office today. They told me that my serum screen results were back, and while the test for Down's Syndrome was negative, the test for Spina Bifida was positive. She said that it's possible it's a false negative, but that they're going to send me to a special clinic for more tests or an ultrasounds.

    Anyone else (2nd time moms) test positive and baby end up being fine?? :ohwell:
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Not myself, but my sister. She got a positive test for Spina Bifida when she was pregnant with her first. Baby came out (and to this day, at age 6) and is totally fine!
  • hiba_84
    hiba_84 Posts: 177 Member
    I turned 30 today and I have mixed feelings about it. lol
    I have always felt that my birthday is the greatest day of the year. I always woke up that morning feeling on the top of the world.
    This birthday.. it just feels weird! No more twenty something.. God how that feels.

    Ok vent over thank you :)
  • mdelynn01
    mdelynn01 Posts: 176 Member
    No but that's why I didn't get that test done with my babies. There is a decent chance to get a false positive. I knew it didn't matter if the baby had something I was going to keep it. My sister works with kids with all kinds of problems and those kids are truly special. I now that if you are like me you still don't want your kid to have anything wrong or have to go through stuff. But at this point you have no idea if it's true and if it is, although I don't know much about SB, I'd imagine there is a lot they can do. I wouldn't let it stress you out at this point. That's not going to change anything anyhow. I hope its a false positive. I'm sorry you have to worry about it too. keep us posted though. I'm sending positive thoughts your way. :)
  • kalyrra
    kalyrra Posts: 672 Member
    No but that's why I didn't get that test done with my babies. There is a decent chance to get a false positive. I knew it didn't matter if the baby had something I was going to keep it. My sister works with kids with all kinds of problems and those kids are truly special. I now that if you are like me you still don't want your kid to have anything wrong or have to go through stuff. But at this point you have no idea if it's true and if it is, although I don't know much about SB, I'd imagine there is a lot they can do. I wouldn't let it stress you out at this point. That's not going to change anything anyhow. I hope its a false positive. I'm sorry you have to worry about it too. keep us posted though. I'm sending positive thoughts your way. :)

    I didn't want to get the testing done... but my husband really did, so I did it for him. I am with you... it doesn't matter if my baby is handicapped in any way, I would never even think of terminating. I have a couple friends that I grew up with that have Down's and CP, and I love them to death.

    But, as any pregnant mom... I want my baby to be healthy and not have to go through any kind of challenges like this. I am pretty upbeat about it, I'm just assuming that it's a false positive. And if it's not, then we'll just deal with things as they come.
  • HeyNikkita
    HeyNikkita Posts: 147 Member
    My blood sugar was in the toilet this afternoon. I don't have GD or hypoglycemia. I haaaate that feeling. :(
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    My blood sugar has been messing with me this entire pregnancy. I have had low blood sugar issues for years so it isn't anything new. All of my blood sugar tests at doctor's office has come up perfect but I have had issues with it long enough to know what a low blood sugar drop or sugar crash feels like. I have had these off and on randomly throughout this whole pregnancy, especially if I eat something like cold cereal for breakfast, then I will crash at about noon.
    Protein, vegetables and carbs help. (Yea, I know that carbs are supposed to turn to sugar and have the same effect but it doesn't on me.) If I sugar cereal, I crash but a bagel does me just fine.
  • Binky_Muffin
    Binky_Muffin Posts: 191 Member
    To all those of you with pets and who are being challenged with the shedding, here are a few tips for you (I have a Rottweiler, a cat and two rabbits)...

    Don't let the pets go on the furniture and keep them out of certain rooms you want hair free. My pets are only allowed in the living room and in the basement. The upstairs is off limits and so is the kitchen. They each have a bed they can sleep on.

    Get a wireless vacuum if you have hardwood floors. I have one and it's awesome. It works on hardwood, vinyl and any sort of low-lying carpet. It does a good job cleaning up the pet hair and other dirt. I use it everyday.

    Brush, brush, brush! I bought a Furminator for the herd and it's awesome. We try to do it once per week and I noticed a significant difference. You can really tell when the herd needs it because the shedding worsens.

    I know it can be difficult to train your animals, but start now and it will get easier with time as long as you are consistent. The Rottweiler has been a challenge. They are an extremely stubborn breed and you need to show strong leadership or they will take over your house. Bat Face is only 10 months old and she's a better behaved dog than most. We do put a lot of work into her. I will have no worries once the baby gets here because she will know we are the pack leaders and she has to choice but to accept any new member of our household. :)

    Hope these tips help.