Check in May 7, 2014



  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Hi Sandy, I'm right here checking back. You don't need to eat your emotions.

    Try journaling, reading the bios of the new people in the group and writing back, lying flat and doing some deep breathing, doing stretches, dancing like a crazy person, drinking ice water...

    Remember, CRAVINGS PASS.

    You can do this. Think about how hot we are going to look in our boots and short skirts. ????
  • Sandyslosenit
    Sandyslosenit Posts: 322 Member
    Hi Sandy, I'm right here checking back. You don't need to eat your emotions.

    Try journaling, reading the bios of the new people in the group and writing back, lying flat and doing some deep breathing, doing stretches, dancing like a crazy person, drinking ice water...

    Remember, CRAVINGS PASS.

    You can do this. Think about how hot we are going to look in our boots and short skirts. ????
    Thank you so much for the support. I went to the forums to look at all the success stories. I keep telling myself- the food will only make everything worse.
    That's what I need to do - get to know all the new people. The dancing like a crazy person sounds just wonderful! If I was home that's what I would be doing, but still at work. My relief called off tonight. I have another 12 hrs here.
    I need to take a pic of my boots so I can look at what I'm working for!!! Lol!
    I'm going to grab a cup of hot tea and do some reading to get cought up with everyones day. Blessings
  • debunny34
    debunny34 Posts: 97 Member
    I have been out of the loop today taking care of a sick child who was up all night last night throwing up and all day today. Keeping my fingers crossed that he is well enough in the morning for school. I walked in place for a whole five minutes to at least get SOME kind of exercise in...ugh. Better tomorrow hopefully. I will try and catch up on everyone in the morning because I am just tired and want to crawl in the bed and hopefully get to sleep tonight since I didn't get much last night. Hope you all had a wonderful day today and welcome to all the new people!

    Sandy I am so sorry you are going through a tough time right now, stay strong sweet lady, we have your back :smile:
  • monmonof3
    monmonof3 Posts: 47 Member
    Well CRAP! Two hours away from home I made a pit stop and found myself in front of the" healthy snacks" section of the convenience store, grabbing trail mix and kind bars, and yoghurt pretzels. I know better--my eating disorder shrink has already told me that I need to stay out of the "red" zone of hunger and calorie deficit, which I was in. Add to that joint pain from driving in heavy traffic and fatigue. Then a bathroom at the back of the store, past the donuts and pizza and candy. I haven't logged everything I ate, but I'm guessing that was a mindless 2000 calories of snacking.

    So, so so important to keep a cooler of proteins and carrots and celery etc. for a road trip, really.

    Thank you Karen, I am going on a road trip tomorrow. I have packed some fruit and water and carrots. Also packed a small amount of dark chocolate almonds so I don't feel deprived. Hope to stay away from convenience stores. Its a six hour trip through the mountains for us four "sisters" to get together and have some fun. One of my sisters has recently lost 70 lbs. so I hope that she will influence the rest of us.
  • monmonof3
    monmonof3 Posts: 47 Member
    :brokenheart: I just wanted to check in for a reality check!! Feeling stressed and overwhelmed, One of my clients passed away today. I instantly wanted to stuff my face. I even tried to justify it in my own head. I don't even know what to say. This has always been the worse time of day for overeating in general, but tonight I can feel myself shaking - I just want anything, everything!!!! I thought if I just got on here for a check in I would force myself to make the right move - away from the food. Once I put my clients to bed and the house is so quiet, all I can think of is food, food, food!! :frown:

    Sorry you are having such a hard time, Sandy. I think that is the paradox of my relationship with food. The cause of and the cure for my problems being one and the same. Of course the reality is that what makes me feel better in the short-term makes everything so much worse in the long-term. Hang in there.
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    Hi Sandy,

    I'm sorry to hear about your hard day. I know that discussion with my head well, even on good days its hard to deal with, on emotional days what little control you have over the conversation in your head can easily slip away because the emotions just override the voice of reason and say **** it. Next thing you know you've turned off the voice of reasons o you don't have to listen to it and your making the easy, quick, satisfying choice. Their are many nights i end up literally pacing by the door and the bowl of keys having an argument in my head about what I want to eat. Part of me thinks that I have plenty of calories and i can get away with having some fastfood and the voice of reason reminds me its a bad idea and that i wont be happy or satisfied afterwords and the taste is just going to be as dissipating as always, but then theirs not a lot of food in the house and nothing much to eat and i'm hungry and I just want the damn food now. I have stood their for an hour and a half having the argument with myself. It's insane. It seems, unconsciously, one of my ways of overcoming the irrational desires and urges is to drag it out so long that I have no other choice but to stay home or I feel to embarrassed going to get food at 2am.

    I hat this part of me with such a passion. It is so irrational, so absurd. Of course their are rational ways of resolving it, some I am in control of others I am not. Making sure theirs enough food in the house, making sure theirs a plan for dinner and I eat on time. But it doesn't always happen. But I hate that it happens at all. It's like living with another personality when it comes to food. I Live with others wich complicates the food issues and I can feel myself, the irrational part, using that as an excuse.

    Anyway, to my checkin.

    Things went fairly well today. I'm under my calorie estimation wich is good but not in the best way possible and not with all the best choice.

    As I usually seem to do, i put of breakfast off again even pushing into lunch, pushing that off as long as I could. I could just eat and bee in a much better place. But I don't, its like I'm building the self destruction setting up the situation to get really hungry, creating the means to have an excess of calories so I can convince myself to make certain choices.

    I tried a new recipe for lunch, cauliflower pizza dough. It was fairly simple to make but far more time consuming then I thought. I keep finding this issue with eating well and cooking all my own food. The shear amount of time it takes. By the time I have eaten breakfast, done yoga and showered its lunch time. By the time I have lunch it feels like half the day is gone and I haven't gotten to work.Thats why i like it when I have clients who take me out of the home, it makes eating harder, but I have to eat more quickly and on time. The pizza was good and I ate the whole thing, at roughly 700cal maybe not the best idea but not the worst. Dinner was the hard part, yet again no one had done shopping and no one was going to cook dinner (Its hard for me to volunteer because i usually have so much work still in the evening besides carving out time to walk). So of course someone said "I'm going to Taco bell," and the first thing I said was I'm coming with you. Its like the situation I posted above. If I said no i would just end up having a midnight conversation with myself about what I want to eat, pacing it out again. This gave me an excuse to skip the conversation and go for the easy answer. I logged my food, about 1,000cal, but not the type of calories I really needed for the day. With my walk I still have plenty left but I'm frustrated with myself for not exercising control. I'm frustrated with myself for not fixing a situation I know I can.

    Just one of those days.
  • Sandyslosenit
    Sandyslosenit Posts: 322 Member
    :cry: Thanks for the support last night!! It means so much to know that there are people who !KNOW! what I'm going through. That understand the drive that compels us to do what we do, that understands the willpower it takes to just not open the freezer! That understands how every little emotion makes us want to gorge on anything and everything. Being able to get on here last night was what got me threw last night. I keep telling myself "Their doing it, I'm doing it! Their fighting this war, I'm fighting this war! We're on this journey together and I'm not jumping of the wagon and getting left behind!! " Thanks for being here :drinker:
    Blessings :flowerforyou:
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Awesome! Enjoy your road trip and your sisters. Eat some road trip carrots for me, LOL.
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Sandy, I'm so glad the support helped.

    Rat, look into Lean Cuisine Honestly Good. If there ever was a perfect frozen meal, this is it. Best ones in my opinion are the grain crusted fish, citrus chicken, red pepper chicken, and pomegranate chicken. One or two of those and a bag of frozen veggies are a quick and healthy meal.