Weight loss = Personality Changes???

ChaiyaChaiya21 Posts: 37 Member
Went out today and bought myself a couple of pair of Capri's and some new shirts. I discovered that I have gone down another size in pants. YEAH!!

I love that I can shop in any part of the store now. The other thing I noticed is that I am picking very vibrant colors something I would of never done before.

I think unknowingly I was picking dark colors because I didn't want to be seen. Now I am happy with myself and I feel free to wear whatever I choose. I am also making bolder choices in my make-up. I mean these aren't life altering changes but interesting to me.

It's interesting how my personality/life habits are changing with my weight loss. I am much more adventurous/bold then I realized now that I am not putting myself in a corner.

Have you seen these little ( maybe big changes) in your life?


  • jenny181111
    jenny181111 Posts: 163 Member
    I haven't as of yet :( Hopefully I will as my loss goes up :)
  • Adpalangi
    Adpalangi Posts: 349 Member
    I did the clothes and make up too! It felt great! My summer cloths from last year were mostly 7/8 always an xlg for tops, tried to hide my body behind them. Anyway, I wore my new jean capries size 2, today. By the end of the day they were sagging at my waste, think I'm gonna take them all back for the next size, cause I'm not done yet!!!about 15 o go. I pray I make it! And that you do too! Great that you are becoming bolder!