What Ever it Takes!

cllemuiex Posts: 3 Member
So something has been bothering me lately (I know, big surprise right?). But I had to put my thoughts down on paper to try and make sense of it.
You see, for the large part of every day, I am going through Facebook messages, emails, phone calls, etc, listening to people tell me about how bad they want to get in shape, and all the problems that they have getting in shape.

Now when I am listening to this, I somewhat understand their problem, because they are not yet members at Train Insane. I tell myself that once I get them in here, we will be able to solve all of these problems and get this person into shape.

Then, I have a nutrition consult with a member, and hear the EXACT same things from them. Well I have some tough love for all of our members that are not getting the results they want…YOU DON’T WANT IT BAD ENOUGH!

If you did, you would have no problem joining our long list of transformations. I think the jury is in on whether or not the program works. The reality is that you just don’t want it bad enough. Or at least not as bad as you want to drink, eat bad food, and complain.

If this stings a little bit…GOOD. Maybe this is what you need to wake up. You are part of a program that is changing lives around you every day. Why are you not getting in on this party?

Sometimes we all need a wake up call. It is easy in the everyday grind to fall back into bad habits, and go through the motions during your workouts.

There was a saying that I picked up during my last year of football that I still use to this day. It started in the weight room in the off season, and sort of became our mantra for the season. “Whatever it takes” Guys on this team would kill themselves on and off the field (which is rare these days) and all to achieve a goal that was months away.

Whatever it takes became something we would yell at each other in the weight room, on the field, whenever someone would complain about how long practice was. Whatever it takes was the mindset that we had. We were willing to do whatever it took to be champions.

Now think about your goals for a second. Are you doing “whatever it takes”? If you had to give yourself a grade what would it be? When you are willing to do whatever it takes, I guarantee, your goals will become reality.
