2014 MFP Giro d'Italia Challenge - Graham Watson Thread

TheBigYin Posts: 5,682 Member

As mentioned in the Discussion thread, This year, a new innovation is an additional award, which I'm Calling the Graham Watson Award.

For those of you who don't recognise the name, Graham is pretty much the top dog when it comes to racing cycling photography - if you have spent any time whatsoever looking at bike race Images, chances are you've seen an awful lot of his work. Have a look here - http://www.grahamwatson.com/ - at some of the galleries, and you'll realise just how all pervasive his stuff is.

So, as you may guess, in parallel with the "Ride Logging" thread, we're going to have a "Photo Logging" thread, and at the end of the thread, I'll organise an independent judge to view the thread and declare a 1-2-3 of the Images submitted.

Please don't feel like you've got to submit something from every ride, just do something if it takes your eye, and it's generally "on topic" - the judge will be briefed to be looking for things that fit the theme of the Giro d'Italia - so I'm expecting a fair amount of Pink Jerseys, Tricolore's (Italian (and Irish in the first few days) :wink: and generally people looking "Bella en Sella", as well as stunning views (with a bike propped up in frame somewhere)

If you wish to add a bit of a "ride report" with the photo, then all the better - I really think that the whole reporting thing added quite a bit to the experience of the Classics Challenge - both from my part, and for most of the people participating... I know I'd be thinking "I wonder where everyone's been and what stories they will have to tell" when I was riding the back half of my rides this year.

Thread is open for Submissions captured on any day 9th May through to 1st June and will close a few days afterwards - but the "rest day" shots shouldn't really be ride related. I've already got one planned with the bike in the workstand getting washed down :laugh:


  • Jakess1971
    Jakess1971 Posts: 1,208 Member
    MFP Giro d’Italia day 1 - pt1 Surprisingly the rain held off :), http://www.strava.com/activities/139094358 - 52.0km Distance, 1:46:22 Moving Time, 612m Elevation

    Pt2 and 3 to come later (smaller rides) and will add into the proper thread tomorrow as I'm out tonight, stopped a few times to have an attempt at the photo section.

    The forecast looked dire to say the least, after tentatively opening the curtains expecting it to be right nasty out instead I was faced with an optimistic looking ride, I donned the winter gear as I was sure I'd get right pissed on and set off.

    I see this most mornings and almost do a wide circle round Radcliffe Power Station, it's quite a eerie moody picture I think:


    Going for the arty tree sunrise effect :)


    Another sunrise effect:


    Morning has broken and how beautiful it is, to think I'd nearly given up going for a ride with the forecast of heavy rain:


    I might not post any more pics during the rest of the Giro but with it being so awesome a start to the day I was quite taken with taking a few :)
  • FatDadSlim
    FatDadSlim Posts: 497 Member
    Agree, it was a decent start to the challenge, when i woke up there was a shower passing over and i thought i could get wet this morning, but it wasn't to be. A nice gusty tailwind to make it a bit of a gentle start :)


    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pen_y_Fan - a truly beautiful morning.
  • kerrylikesbikes
    kerrylikesbikes Posts: 64 Member
    This was my ride on Friday...a big "null". But I did wear pink ...

    (needed a good fit to iron out some kinks on the bike)
    13968045259_f2a53597c0_n.jpgScreenshot 2014-05-10 17.03.05 by kerrycrow, on Flickr
  • Kupe
    Kupe Posts: 758 Member
    Last few days in Melbourne have been a typical Autumn. As in be dressed for all 4 seasons because you are bound to experiment some of them. Anyway Sunday turned put to be a beautiful morning with a couple of cloud patches, next to no wind and mild temperatures.

    Pic of the beach by the Port Phillip bay


    So to fill the Giro brief and find something cycling pink. The best I could do was a fellow cyclists pink bidon and lettering on her bike.

  • kerrylikesbikes
    kerrylikesbikes Posts: 64 Member
    13977155068_77d81d38d6.jpginthepink by kerrycrow, on Flickr

    Summer like temps here in Charlotte, North Carolina. Had a big Passion Tea (pink!) (unsweet of course) at the the end of the ride....
  • rides4sanity
    rides4sanity Posts: 1,269 Member

    Not sure what kind of booty I need to land such a cool resting place, but it made me smile to think about it on my ride today... My water bottle holders and bike trim are already pink...
  • matsprt1984
    matsprt1984 Posts: 181 Member
    Nothing to do with the Giro....but we are seeing these guys as the weather warms up...

  • FatDadSlim
    FatDadSlim Posts: 497 Member
    Got chased in by these guys this morning...

    Soaked during the journey but nearly dry (apart from my feet) by the time i got into work.
  • rides4sanity
    rides4sanity Posts: 1,269 Member
    Never really settled into my ride this morning, so I figured I snap some pictures on the way back...




  • FatDadSlim
    FatDadSlim Posts: 497 Member
    Took a gentle stroll down to my mums after work on the local sustrans path, decided to take the MTB as its only a short distance and i don't have to wear any "special" clothes/shoes.
  • banshee1013
    banshee1013 Posts: 125 Member
    Neglected to get the bike in frame or show off my pretty white and pink jersey, but this was just one of the many fires burning in San Diego yesterday during my ride - 9 total during the day :p

  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,227 Member

    Going to the Sun Road, Glacier National Park.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,227 Member

    Heaven's Peak, Going to the Sun Road, Glacier National Park.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,227 Member
    Let's try this one again.

  • TDSeest
    TDSeest Posts: 1,089 Member
    Not sure how this will appear, but I tried to get a photo of the moon over my Kona at night:

  • Spatialized
    Spatialized Posts: 623 Member
  • FatDadSlim
    FatDadSlim Posts: 497 Member
    Beautiful flat calm on the reservoir on my commute to work yesterday;



    It was such a nice day that i extended my commute home to go down to the sea & enjoy one of the most luchest icecreams you will ever taste, "Joe's ice-cream" (they're an italian family as well!) moved to Wales in 1922 and quickly established themselves, seriously this stuff must have crack cocaine as the main ingredient, they are so moreish!
  • FatDadSlim
    FatDadSlim Posts: 497 Member
    So moreish i had to cycle 70km again the next day just to get my fix!
  • harksy
    harksy Posts: 239 Member
    Wednesday nights Donegal inter club race (complete with Giro cap)

  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,682 Member
    Couple from todays ride...

    Bike, resting after a thrash along the coast (complete with Giro pink water-bottle contents!)

    14182780896_71fb8a5722_o.jpgHornsea by The Big Yin, on Flickr

    and, because you just don't see this every day...

    A Biplane, parked beside a large plastic Cow.

    14204569112_0d466efdbf_o.jpgMoo... by The Big Yin, on Flickr
This discussion has been closed.