What Works For You?

Wandering_1 Posts: 95 Member
Do you have any tips or hints? Ideas? How to make something a little bit easier?

Do you walk, run, dance, lift weights, Wii fit, outdoor activities, chase the kids?

Do you pre-log your meals? Do you prepare your meals ahead of times. Do you have cheat days?

Do you use DVDs to work out, like Leslie Sansone? Richard Simmons (sorry had to ask)

Just anything that helps you & makes it a bit easier for you.


  • denisejohnson754365
    I have been struggling with health issues and staying indoors lately but want to get out into the fresh air. I dance for exercise about every other day which is a great way for me to work out because it is free and easy. I have some small weights I use and I do a lot of arm exercises which is helping. I like to measure my progress and many times I find that I have lost inches even if I haven't seen the scale go down. I live in Galtier towers and have an exercise room where I have been using the elliptical machine and stationary bike. I find that if I have cheat days it often leads to overeating but I think that is because of food allergies and the types of food I like such as white sugar and flour which trigger cravings. I would love to eat healthy most of the time and only have rare treats made with wholesome ingredients and maybe on Holidays have a cheat food. I am allergic to chocolate.
    I find it is easier for me to stay off the junk food, I don't have the urge to overeat so much.
  • Wandering_1
    Wandering_1 Posts: 95 Member
    I had to smile when you said you have issues with staying indoors. I thought to myself with all the snow we had I can understand the issue. But I do get what your saying though. Sounds like you know what is working. I wish I had some equipment available. I wish I had a car :ohwell: my mode of exercise is Wii fit & walking. Sounds like you have a great routine & are understanding your eating habits. I hope I get there soon.