I Need You

Wandering_1 Posts: 95 Member
We all have those bad days. You need advice, motivation, maybe a kick in the butt or just an ear. This is where you get that support. I love to pout. I am grumpy when I'm hungry. Am I the only one?


  • denisejohnson754365
    You are not alone lol
    I come from a long line of frowners and if I'm not smiling even strangers ask me if something is wrong
    I love "grumpy cat" do you know who she is?
  • Wandering_1
    Wandering_1 Posts: 95 Member
    Grumpy Cat is my hero!! I have a whole board dedicated to her on my Pinterest. LOL
  • MismatchedAlmonds
    MismatchedAlmonds Posts: 90 Member
    I don't pout, I sort of internally fume. It's no ones fault, of course, when I run out of calories or money to spend on sweets, but I do get agitated and frustrated. My best fix, when it's possible, is diet coke.
  • Wandering_1
    Wandering_1 Posts: 95 Member
    Internally fume...I love that! Unfortunately I am Italian so I can't do anything internally. LOL

    I am a bear when I'm hungry. My poor husband hides.
  • Wandering_1
    Wandering_1 Posts: 95 Member
    I'm not sure what is going on but I haven't lost weight in two weeks. I've only gained a few ounces but it still hurts. I haven't gone over my calories or macros so I don't know what's going on. Has anyone else had this problem?
  • denisejohnson754365
    All the time!!! I am finding out I have food allergies and I think they make me swell up, but even going off those, exercising and counting calories I'm still not losing. The important thing for me is to not say "oh well, guess this won't work" then start gaining again! I believe if I keep trying, stay present, do the best I can, I will get the weight off and keep it off, but I also know it is so important to love and accept myself the way I am, I know from experience when I was young I was thin but I hated myself so it didn't matter. We can do this! I'm pullin for ya.
  • Wandering_1
    Wandering_1 Posts: 95 Member
    Thanks Denise. I know I'm not the only one who is going through this which is why it's easy to come here and ask for help. And we have eachother to keep ourselves up.