Height, weight & PRs?



  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    I think it just takes lots of volume and work between AT and LT pace.

    That would describe 80 percent of my workouts. I think there is some natural variance between individuals -- otherwise why would it be that I can beat you by 1.5 minutes at 5k and you can beat me by 12 minutes at marathon distance?

    Good question. Yeah, I'm sure there are some individual variances too. We could compare our workouts for the last 5 years, or even just total mileage. That might help tell the story, but probably not get to the bottom of it completely. I think that experience is really important in running a good, fast 5K too. I don't run them frequently, so I've not developed the feel for how much pain I should be in at mile 1, mile 2 etc. Also, I think that my 5K PR is probably a little light too. I haven't raced on in quite a while.

    Definitely and interesting discussion.

    ETA: Something else that is interesting is where you started vs where I started. My first 5K was almost 30 minutes, while yours was just under 24. I don't know what you were doing before that, but I was completely sedentary and about 40 pounds heavier than I am now.
  • davemunger
    davemunger Posts: 1,139 Member
    I think it just takes lots of volume and work between AT and LT pace.

    That would describe 80 percent of my workouts. I think there is some natural variance between individuals -- otherwise why would it be that I can beat you by 1.5 minutes at 5k and you can beat me by 12 minutes at marathon distance?

    Good question. Yeah, I'm sure there are some individual variances too. We could compare our workouts for the last 5 years, or even just total mileage. That might help tell the story, but probably not get to the bottom of it completely. I think that experience is really important in running a good, fast 5K too. I don't run them frequently, so I've not developed the feel for how much pain I should be in at mile 1, mile 2 etc. Also, I think that my 5K PR is probably a little light too. I haven't raced on in quite a while.

    True, experience might be part of it... and also with the marathon. That is one of my frustrations with a marathon -- how long you have to train for it and then one little thing can throw off the entire race..then it's back to square one for another 18 weeks! It's possible that I've just never put it all together for a marathon. I felt like I probably had more to give when I ran my 3:22 PR/BQ, but I haven't been able to match that since.
    ETA: Something else that is interesting is where you started vs where I started. My first 5K was almost 30 minutes, while yours was just under 24. I don't know what you were doing before that, but I was completely sedentary and about 40 pounds heavier than I am now.

    I wasn't sedentary when I started (I ran about 15 miles/week), but I was 40 pounds heavier...but for me that's just 21 percent of my current weight, versus 31 percent of your current weight.

    I think you do a little more mileage than I do -- I average about 60 mpw -- so that might play into the differences as well. That said, I feel like both of us have been running our *kitten* off for four years and you have shown you're better at the longer distances while I'm better at shorter distances. I've seen you talk about how painful a 5K is. I feel the same thing at the end of a marathon, lol!

    Great discussion.
  • aswearingen22
    aswearingen22 Posts: 271 Member
    Well I'm someone that can attest to weight definitely affects my times, as I like to bounce up and down 20 pounds a lot, and have run things heavier, then thinner, then heavier again, urgh.

    5'2", in my mid-30's, started running distances beyond 3 miles 3.5 years ago.

    2:19 half at 150 pounds (2012)
    2:04 half at 140 pounds (2013)
    2:19 half at 160ish pounds (2014) (but no training this year, just fun runs post marathon training)
    4:46 marathon at 150 pounds (2013)

    29ish 5k at 150 pounds (2012)
    25:45 5k at 140 pounds (2013)

    Part of the improvement in the 2013 times was increased fitness and better training and more experience. But I can feel it when I'm heavier, it's harder. I gained 25 pounds since last summer training for the last 2 marathons and my "easy" pace of 9:45ish at 140lbs was more like 10:30 over the last few months running at 165lbs. Now I'm back down to 155 and 10:15ish is feeling better. My goal this year is to get all the way back down to goal weight of 130ish, which I can never seem to do when marathon training, but I'm giving it my best shot this year and won't give up, fingers crossed that's what I'm racing at in October (also added cross training for the first time, yes I know I should have done it all along). Next marathon training cycle begins on Monday!
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    Re:the Dave runner vs. the Carson runner. The two have completely different sizes, and am wondering if the reason Carson excels at long distances is that he has 50-60 lbs less to carry the distance. Dave is just bigger!
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    Re:the Dave runner vs. the Carson runner. The two have completely different sizes, and am wondering if the reason Carson excels at long distances is that he has 50-60 lbs less to carry the distance. Dave is just bigger!

    I actually think that having the extra weight to carry makes it more difficult at the shorter distances, but I have nothing to back that up.
  • sarahc001
    sarahc001 Posts: 477 Member
    5'4", currently 118, 41yo, running 2yr, 7weeks....not that I'm counting! ????

    5 mile (today) 38:34
    13.1 1/2013 1:49 (115)
    26.2 3/2013 4:04 (114)
    50 11/2013 10:25 (117)
    75 5/2014 23:30 (121)

    Looking to drop 10 before my 100 in August. Ten extra pounds over 100miles....no thanks!

    @Carson I would have guessed that you were always a runner...can't imagine you as sedentary!
  • ibleedunionblue
    ibleedunionblue Posts: 324 Member
    I can attest that too low of a weight might not be beneficial. Since I dropped under 132 down to 125, my times have slowed. Perhaps everyone needs to find their optimal weight that balances performance and sustains strength & energy. I know at 125 & 127 (my recent races) I have felt tired.
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member

    @Carson I would have guessed that you were always a runner...can't imagine you as sedentary!

    I sat in front of a computer, drinking unholy quantities of beer on a nightly basis. There's a "before" picture on my profile.
  • Paul_Collyer
    Paul_Collyer Posts: 160 Member
    173cm, 81kg. Started running properly March 2013.

    5k 21'28
    10k 45'53
    HM 1'41'00
    FM - we'll find out in 11 days ;-)
  • Lard_Vader
    Lard_Vader Posts: 138 Member
    I'd say running lean is a huge advantage. I've primarily kept lean because I find it helps tremendously in cycling (long distance & climbing). Once I started running again, it was almost seamless and I'm faster and stronger than I ever was when I was running a lot when younger.

    38, 5' 10" 140lbs, <9% BF

    10K: 41:46
    10 mile: 1:12:52
    Half marathon: 1:38:23

    I'll likely come down a bit to 135-140ish while training for my Ultra in Nov.
  • beeblebrox82
    beeblebrox82 Posts: 578 Member
    any other giants on here? I've been wondering recently if I'm out of my mind trying to run long distances.

    I'm 6'4", 212 pounds ~8.5% body fat or less. (pinched under 8% when I was around 208lbs)

    5K: 20:31
    1/2: 1:40:25
    Full: Coming this October :)
  • amandamurdaugh
    amandamurdaugh Posts: 138 Member
    I'm 5'7". My marathon PR is 3:41, I was 148. My worst was 4:45 at 162.
    Half PR is 1:43 at 148 lbs, worst is 1:59 at 165
    So, yeah, for me weight plays a definite role in slowing me down.
  • KateRunsColorado
    KateRunsColorado Posts: 407 Member
    You guys are all so speedy!

    I'm 5'-6 1/2", 130-135 lbs depending on the day. I was 125 last summer, but have been slacking on the whole eating healthy thing lately...definitely need to get back on track.

    5K: 23:50 (which isn't really that accurate because I swear the course was short. My phone (didn't have a garmin at the time) clocked it at 2.95 miles, so it probably would've been at least another minute on top of this had it been right)
    10K: 51:25
    Half: 1:56:35 (at my lowest weight)
    Full: 4:18:17
    50K: 6:30:00 (on trails)

    I definitely do think my speed has been effected by the fact that I've gained some weight back. Right now, I'm just doing a lot of races "for fun" (because I'm doing one every several weeks), so I haven't had that extra motivation to get back on track. But next year I want to try and BQ, so I know I'm going to need to lose more. I'd love to get to around 120 if possible. I know it'll take some work though (but so will trying to BQ!!!).

    Edit to add - I'm a 26 year old female, running for 2 years.