What to do at big family events.

I am 3 weeks out since surgery and on a soft protein diet. Tomorrow I will be going to my son in-laws college graduation and I am having trouble figuring out my day. We will leave in the morning for a two hour drive - when we get there we are all having lunch - most likely fast food as it is the only thing in the small college town. After graduation traveling to a larger city for a family dinner at a buffet restaurant. I can bring some food and just not eat at the restaurants but getting in enough protein will be hard. I know we are supposed to stay away from these places and I agree but I am finding life happens....how do you prepare when you are out of your usual environment. Very open to suggestions!


  • Cinzano1959
    Cinzano1959 Posts: 16 Member
    Does your family know you have had surgery? If not you could just say you are on a detox and just have your protein drinks. Hard one though.
    I am 6 weeks out I went to a wedding last Saturday, I avoided alcohol easily as I said I would drive. I only managed half the food picking soft stuff. Don't think anyone noticed.
    I would definitely take loads a water and protein drinks on hand.
  • bikrchk
    bikrchk Posts: 516 Member
    Take some water mixable protein; nectar or bottled isopure travel well. If you get your protein in the supplement this day, you can be a bit more flexible with the available food, choosing mashed potatoes off the buffet or other soft foods. Good luck!
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    Even at fast food places, you might have options - if it's Mexican, you can eat beans, some places have soup or chili (you can bring unflavored protein powder to mix in), etc. Definitely bring something with you though, whether it's something you can mix with water like bikrchk suggested, or something prepared like Pure Protein shakes. After surgery, you really have to make sure you are prepared at all times. If I go out to eat and I am unsure of what's on the menu, I make sure I have a protein bar or drink in my bag as a plan B.
  • ChelleDJM
    ChelleDJM Posts: 161
    At three weeks out, I would just bring a couple protein shakes and maybe a small cooler with something you can eat - egg salad maybe and a fork? Then I would just eat a bit in the car and not get anything at the fast food place. Then, at the buffet place, drink a shake and visit. If people do not know about your surgery and you want to eat, there is usually soup on a buffet so you could get a teeny bit of that and eat slow....visiting a lot to take attention away from what you are eating. You could even say that you are just not hungry/feeling like eating/trying a new plan/etc...whatever you are comfortable with.
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Tuna salad on salad at Subway. Chili at Wendy's. Beans at Mexican restaurant, Go online and check out the restaurants now before you go. I keep premier protein 30g protein pre made shakes in my car, just buy a cup of ice. Most Gas stations have Vienna sausage in a pinch. Or just hit the grocery for egg salad, tuna salad, cottage cheese or seafood salad. Eat what you want and chuck the rest.
  • Ksh1055
    Ksh1055 Posts: 248 Member
    I also was taken to a buffet a few weeks ago, but found that they did have 8 varieties of soup, including tomato bisque (my favorite), mashed potatoes, gravy, milk, and several other things I could have. Even had a little chocolate mousse, not a problem. Too bad my taste for chocolate remains just as it always was.

    I try to always have a protein bar or two, my protein shake (30g protein) with me, and/or yogurt (if possible - Fage has extremely high protein), or a low fat mozzarella stick, crackers, etc.

  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    I also was taken to a buffet a few weeks ago, but found that they did have 8 varieties of soup, including tomato bisque (my favorite), mashed potatoes, gravy, milk, and several other things I could have. Even had a little chocolate mousse, not a problem. Too bad my taste for chocolate remains just as it always was.

    I try to always have a protein bar or two, my protein shake (30g protein) with me, and/or yogurt (if possible - Fage has extremely high protein), or a low fat mozzarella stick, crackers, etc.


    Good to know about Fage, I have eaten it but did not note label.