How is everyone doing?

jenny181111 Posts: 163 Member
I haven't been able to be 'full' in days!! I just keep eating and eating :( Some how I managed to lose a lb though :D
Better than nothing :D Hoping for a brilliant week this week :D


  • Supadoopafly
    Supadoopafly Posts: 248 Member
    Hello! So pleased to see you posting again .. I miss your activity on my newsfeed.

    I'm OK, I'm really not on top of my eating or exercise at the moment... my brain is foggy.

  • ChaiyaChaiya21
    ChaiyaChaiya21 Posts: 37 Member
    Doing okay. My doctor benched me so I have been told to not work out or do weights. It's really awful. I have been watching my diet and have been walking.

    I am not expecting any great weight loss changes this week but I am hoping that it will at least stay the same/ haven't gained. Overall I am happy with my progress.
  • LJA1968
    LJA1968 Posts: 516 Member
    Doing well here too. Congrats on your loss, Jenny. No loss here this week, but I'm ok with that. I'm still down the initial 1.5 since starting up with you and this group. Slow and steady wins the race in my mind. If I can hit my ultimate goal by the end of the year, I will be a very happy girl. I don't plan on messing things up this go around. It has been a year and 1/2 journey so far and I feel good where I am but still need to lose more. I won't be going as low as the doctors have said just because I feel I will look too skinny. Been there and done that many times in the past, doing it right this time - for the last time!!!!! Here's to a great week ahead for everyone!!!!

  • jenny181111
    jenny181111 Posts: 163 Member
    I hadn't realised I wasn't posting! lol
    Thank you so much.
    Remember to only do as much as you can, there's no point pushing yourself and feeling worse for it, just one step at a time :D

    I reorganised the spreadsheet, to keep all the people updating together, to make it neater :)

    I love how everyone is so supportive <3 Like a family, or a better than family in my case <3 xxx