TDEE question

llfretwell Posts: 218 Member
I'm curious as to what everyone considers Little to no exercise, Light exercise, Moderate exercise, Heavy exercise, and Very heavy exercise when calculating your TDEE.

Personally, I have been taking long walks a couple of times a day, burning anywhere from 200-600 calories daily (just from walking)according to my HRM. That's on top of the stronglifts 3 times a week.

What about ya'll?


  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    I calculate mine on 5-7 hours of strenuous activity with the Scooby calculator. I do this because I tend to get in at least 4 hours a week and up to 8. My activities include 3 hours of boxing class and 4 lifting sessions with a small amount of cardio at the end. I used to do the 3-5 hours of moderate activity for my calculation, but I then upped my activity level so......that is where I'm at.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I am currently at 3-5 hours moderate.

    3x lifting and now I walk 3x a week as well, soon bike riding.

    My lifting is 75mins each session so that is over moderate but my walks are usually brisk pace for 30mins so that brings my average down to what I feel is 3-5hours of moderate.

    It calculates my TDEE at 2200 (there abouts) which is an increase from 7 months ago when it was 1995...I am reversing up to 2100 just to make sure I am not over and start to gain again.

    I will adjust as necessary
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    When I used tdee I just guessed and said moderate. I found I was losing more weight than I wanted so I upped my calorie goal.

    Eta I do SL 3x a week and run 3x a week. Now I also have a fitbit so I do a lot of walking as well (gotta get those steps).
  • DianeinCA
    DianeinCA Posts: 307 Member
    My Fitbit actually filled me in that I was in the "very heavy exercise" zone, rather than the moderate zone, which I thought I was. I had calculated for moderate before that.
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    I'm a full time student, I do Stronglifts 3x a week and walk approximately 1h a day. According to my Fitbit my TDEE is around 2150, which would be Scooby's "moderate" and it's consistent with my actual weight loss :wink: