Meal prep Sundays...

Monday is a new day. Let's get our meal prep done today, so their is no room for snacking on unplanned foods. Remember, if we fail to prepare, we prepare to fail. Let's kick this weeks butt, and hit our goals! You got this!


  • soozey1
    soozey1 Posts: 102 Member
    I agree prep Sunday through to Wednesday.
    I cook a soup to take during the week for a snack.
    Make up some little containers with snacks of almonds, seeds and cacao nibs.
    Ready some green smoothies in my blitz and go blender., three days worth.
    Cook a frittata for breakfast Monday ready to heat in the morning.
    Chop up some veges and pop into containers for my steamer lunch time.
    Now I can take that extra time in the morning to exercise before work.
    Who else is a Paleo preper.