Bulking for more muscle buliding!

Huddles10 Posts: 7 Member
Hi ladies! So refreshing to see so many strong woman who care about their bodies! I'm 5' 3.5 and weight about 107 I'm cut with muscle but its lean. I have a tiny frame but I have chicken legs that I hate and I want to bulk, as well as my glutes and my chest. Whenever I gain weight, it sits only in my midsection! Child birth did a number on me as well, I have some extra skin on my stomach that I'm also trying SO hard to tone and get rid of with scrubs and of course cardio and weight training. Getting there but I have a ways to go! I'm hoping bulking a little bit will help! Any advice on where to start? What foods are good for bulking??


  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    all foods are good for bulking.
    bulking is completely independent (almost/practically) of WHAT you eat- and relies very VERY VERY heavily upon HOW MUCH you eat. plain and simple.

    much like fat reduction you cannot chose where weight goes when you put it on.

    What is your training program right now? be specific.

    and what are your calorie numbers that you are shooting for at this point and what results have those given you.
  • Huddles10
    Huddles10 Posts: 7 Member
    Here is my training schedule but we switch up our work outs constantly but this is a good idea:

    Mondays: Off day

    Tuesdays: Leg day: Cardio-run for 2 miles or jump rope in between sets for 1.5 minutes, Lunges 4 sets of 20 (with and without weights), squats with and without weights 50 total, Dead lifts 2 sets of 15, calf raises, Side lunges with 12 lb weights 2 sets of 15.

    Wednesday: upper body: start with 30 push regular push ups, 50 sit ups/crushes, bench 4 sets of 10 at 75 lbs, curls with 12lb weights 3 sets of 30, pull ups/chin ups 3 sets of 6 (that is my max right now), end with push ups, how ever many we can do before we can't do anymore.

    Thursday: Cardio/Crossfit-we use our weight sled in our back field running up and down the field pulling & pushing weights, then jump rope,burpess and throwing the medicine ball up or against a tree. We do this in rotation for about 40 minutes total. We use a stop clock so I never count reps here

    Friday: Run 2 miles and I do yoga at night for about 45 minutes

    Saturday and Sunday: Boxing/kickboxing: push ups 3 sets of 20 or 30, crunches/sit ups 3 sets of 30,Jump rope 2-3 minute to warm up, hit heavy bag for 2 minutes, double end bag 2 minutes, Speed bag for 2 min and also an ab workout for 2 minutes, all in rotation for about 35 minutes.

    I honestly don't count my calorie intake which I think is part of my problem! I eat 5 small meals a day with fruits, lots of veggies, nuts, protein, whole wheat carbs only for breakfast and lunch and we don't eat carbs at night and we do have cheat days! I'm not exactly sure what i'm shooting for at this point. I guess I need to figure that out first!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    step one: figure what you are eating- maintance- loss/deficit/gain.
    >> bulking it's as important if not MORE important to know that you are over eating at a solid- consistent surplus.<< you MUST know what you are shooting for in terms of food.

    step two: that's cardio cardio cardio cardio-I see way to much cardio for bulking- you're going to be trying to shovel 4000+ calories into your mouth with all that cardio. most women struggle with 3000 or so especially when they start bulking.

    Step three: you need a solid- progressive lifting program- and lifting more than 2 times a week.

    Step four: you generally want to be in a range of 5-10 reps for hypertrophy (pure strength is the 1-5 range)
    ((unless you are doing a specific program for high reps that's loading on purpose that way-I did one- had one working set of 20 squats- specifically for building size- it was a thing- it's not a normal thing- but it's a thing))
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    I completely agree with Jo. Way too much cardio. Trust me, I fell into that trap too and gained a pathetic 4 lbs after 20 weeks of work. The more you burn, the more you've gotta eat. I was eating 2600 calories and still barely gaining.

    I also agree re: the lifting. Find a program that fits your life and also fits your goals. This is the program I used and absolutely loved: http://www.muscleandstrength.com/workouts/4-day-power-muscle-burn-workout-split.html. There is also a 3-day and a 5-day version of this program. There are plenty lifting programs to choose from, that's just one option.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member

    step one: figure what you are eating- maintance- loss/deficit/gain.
    >> bulking it's as important if not MORE important to know that you are over eating at a solid- consistent surplus.<< you MUST know what you are shooting for in terms of food.

    step two: that's cardio cardio cardio cardio-I see way to much cardio for bulking- you're going to be trying to shovel 4000+ calories into your mouth with all that cardio. most women struggle with 3000 or so especially when they start bulking.

    Step three: you need a solid- progressive lifting program- and lifting more than 2 times a week.

    Step four: you generally want to be in a range of 5-10 reps for hypertrophy (pure strength is the 1-5 range)
    ((unless you are doing a specific program for high reps that's loading on purpose that way-I did one- had one working set of 20 squats- specifically for building size- it was a thing- it's not a normal thing- but it's a thing))

    Could not have said it better. This is exactly what you need to do. If you want a successful bulk and are serious about putting on muscle you need to follow these steps.

    I do have to ask to add what's with the all the dietary rules? White carbs are ok and carbs at night will not have a negative effect on you. Bulking is eating more than you burn; it's already damn hard to handle mentally at times and eating past the point of feeling full to then do so with so many guidelines is going to leave you spinning.

    Lastly scrubs will not get rid of loose skin, cellulite etc. Don't waste your time or money. Also with bulking comes fat gain, not fat loss.
  • sarahstrezo
    sarahstrezo Posts: 568 Member

    step one: figure what you are eating- maintance- loss/deficit/gain.
    >> bulking it's as important if not MORE important to know that you are over eating at a solid- consistent surplus.<< you MUST know what you are shooting for in terms of food.

    step two: that's cardio cardio cardio cardio-I see way to much cardio for bulking- you're going to be trying to shovel 4000+ calories into your mouth with all that cardio. most women struggle with 3000 or so especially when they start bulking.

    Step three: you need a solid- progressive lifting program- and lifting more than 2 times a week.

    Step four: you generally want to be in a range of 5-10 reps for hypertrophy (pure strength is the 1-5 range)
    ((unless you are doing a specific program for high reps that's loading on purpose that way-I did one- had one working set of 20 squats- specifically for building size- it was a thing- it's not a normal thing- but it's a thing))

    Could not have said it better. This is exactly what you need to do. If you want a successful bulk and are serious about putting on muscle you need to follow these steps.

    I do have to ask to add what's with the all the dietary rules? White carbs are ok and carbs at night will not have a negative effect on you. Bulking is eating more than you burn; it's already damn hard to handle mentally at times and eating past the point of feeling full to then do so with so many guidelines is going to leave you spinning.

    Lastly scrubs will not get rid of loose skin, cellulite etc. Don't waste your time or money. Also with bulking comes fat gain, not fat loss.

    Yes to all of the above ^^^^
  • Huddles10
    Huddles10 Posts: 7 Member
    WOW some really great advice! Thank you so much ladies!! No wonder I have slimmed down SO much! Obviously too much cardio and not enough calories! When I wanted to start losing baby weight, I stopped with the carbs and it kind of became a habit but I have no problem putting them back into my regular diet! That will be my first step! I've always struggled A LOT with my body and where I want to be where i'm 100% happy and confident and I'm still working to find my happy medium. I feel like I'm getting there! There are times we do 2 or 3 lifting sessions in the week. Our work outs vary on what we want to focus on week by week. We always change it up but usually always incorporate weights in every work out. We have 2 young children so making time gets tough but we always make time! THANKFULLY we have all of the workout equipment we need at home! Thanks again! This is all great advice!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I've always struggled A LOT with my body and where I want to be where i'm 100% happy and confident and I'm still working to find my happy medium.

    Two other thoughts.
    1.) this will be a challenge for you. You will feel fat. You will waiver- you will be uncomfortable. Tell hubby now.

    2.) You will never be 100% happy and confident.

    Case in point.
    I am fabulous- I love my body- I love what it can do for me- and I love what my butt looks like and how it fills out a pencil skirt- or fab sheath dress. I'm a bellydancer- I'm comfortable enough with my body to be dancing in front of strangers for money.

    There are days when I feel fat- and am uncomfortable and even though everything in my closet "fits" I still felt fat and uncomfortable. I cry on my boyfriend how unhappy I am and how not pretty I am. It happens. It happens and IT"S OKAY.

    Do not set up an unrealistic expectation that you will be okay with your body constantly, unfortunately that's just not the way it works. So learn to love YOURSELF. Learn to realize you are in control and that each day is a separate thing- but the whole picture is what matters.

    When you are bulking- you must mentally prepare- and commit to it. Give yourself a window- 4-6 months- or whatever you want- that way you can quit early without "quitting" but it gives you a goal to meet and not wreck your self esteem. Be confident and trust the numbers and keep eating- it's laughably hard to over eat- especially as a woman. You must trust your decision that this is what you wanted to do.
  • Huddles10
    Huddles10 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks Jo! I can only imagine what it will be like and I'm sure I will break down sometimes. As a woman who tends to feel very confident one day and not at all the next, its nice to hear from other women who feel the way I feel and say "it's okay!" Thank you!!!
    Thankfully I have a great man who loves me no matter what I look like. We are actually doing this together so I know he will keep me feeling confident and sexy. We don't plan to start bulking until later this fall and winter but I wanted to talk to other woman first just for some insight since men and woman's bodies are so different and this group is great because I love seeing what other woman are working on and achieving! Its inspirational and very helpful! I realize I need more of a plan as far as with work outs and calories which is my main goal this summer. I do love myself and my body but I know I can learn to love it even more which is why I feel like putting on a little more weight will help. I won't feel so skinny! Thanks again for all of the great advice!