Inches vs lbs? Can we overcome that?

Hi everyone!

I just posted about this in the "new members' thread. But i figured I could start my own thread :)

Anyway, I just finished 30DS yesterday, and yes I want to start Ripped TODAY. Lol. I took 2 days rest total for 30DS. I know maybe I should rest more, but shoot I didn't wanna! haha! I really enjoyed it and the inches I lost was AMAZING (i actually didn't measure, I'm just going by how clothes fit me). However the lbs I lost wasn't that great. And I'm short (5'0") and therefore I feel like I especially need that scale to move, so I can look and feel most comfortable with myself. Has anyone found one DVD over the other is better for weight loss? I'm hoping that Ripped will take me to that next level, but just wanted to see other people's experiences.

Hope to hear from you soon!!



  • Since most of these videos have a large strength component to it, you probably won't see results on the scale since you're building muscle (which weighs more). That's part of the reason why my goal wasn't weight related hut inch related. If you want to see the scale change, do a lot more cardio.
  • Yah I'm definitely noticing that! Thank you for your response.

    The only thing is that I love the 30DS SO MUCH, that I really don't want to stop it. I coooould try to add in another one of her cardio videos, however I watch what she has on youtube, and the there's only one Kickbox video. Which is kind of easy. But hey! Gotta start somewhere :)

    Thanks again!
  • eep223
    eep223 Posts: 624 Member
    It'll come. When I did 30DS, I didn't really lose any weight until right at the end and after I had finished. The idea in all of this weight loss thing is to lose fat and retain muscle. If the inches are going away but the pounds aren't, it means that we are doing a really good job of that. Muscle helps us to burn calories, which fat does not do. By retaining muscle, we are setting ourselves up for long term health and weight loss.

    I know what you mean about wanting to see the scale move, but the truth is that inches lost IS pounds lost... pounds of fat. The more muscle you retain, the more fat will continue to burn. The routine is obviously working, so keep it up and keep challenging yourself and eventually the numbers on the scale WILL catch up.
  • DAM5412
    DAM5412 Posts: 660 Member
    I think if you need to see something change, and the scale is not giving it to you...then you need to take your measurements today and go through the program and then measure again. I know that feeling, as a woman, of wanting to see a smaller number on the scale, but I agree with some of the other posters that these work outs are about strength, muscle formation and long term fat loss. Slow and steady. Have faith you are making long term PROGRESS!