Am I being unreasonable?

BoysMommaX4 Posts: 41 Member
I know that this is going to sound strange but I am getting tired of my doctor, exercise specialist and nutritionist saying that my weight is fine where it is. I don't think that my journey is done yet! They want me to increase my food and stop all cardio!!! I'm not even at a normal BMI!! It's at a 26 and normal healthy BMI is 24.9. I have tried to be a good patient but I really feel like I have to disagree with them. It has been my goal from the beginning to have a BMI of 23 so I have a little wiggle room. Is this unreasonable?


  • teachren
    teachren Posts: 78
    A BMI of 23 is not unreasonable in my opinion. Lose a little more, see how it feels and if you don't like how it looks on you put a little bit back on.

    I don't understand why they wouldn't want you to do cardio anymore? Are you exercising hard every day? Or are you going to cardio classes a couple times a week? I guess what I am asking is are the professionals worried you've become "unhealthy" in your quest to lose weight like you've become obsessed?

    If you have a handle on things (as I suspect you likely do) then I'm not certain why it's such an issue for you to drop a few more pounds to hit around a 23 BMI.

    I don't know how tall you are or what weight you started at but 23 seems acceptable to me!
  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    When three medical professionals agree on something, I would take it as a signal. Probe their reasoning and see if you can see things from their point of view. Are they seeing something in your behavior that they are concerned about? Could they be trying to get you to think about your health as the goal, rather than a number on the scale?

    Lots of possibilities. I am very happy with my Primary Care Physician because over the years we have had some frank conversations, and I am always free to ask her to explain her reasoning when she tells me something that I don't understand, or think I understand and disagree.

    Keep strong and be healthy!
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    My surgeron told me that my "ideal weight" for my age and height is 160. First, I weighed 160 in high school and was told I was 20 pounds overweight. Second, at 160, my BMI is still showing me in the overweight category. In order to have a "normal BMI" I need to weigh no more than 140. Furthermore, my surgeon said he figured I would land around 200, bounce up to 220 and stay there. I don't like that at all! I am 226 right now and the closer I get to 200 the more I feel like I can get to 160.

    So, I get what you are saying, but here's my question. Why are you being told to stop losing? Do you have a lot of excess skin that once removed will put you below your goal or ideal weight? Are they figuring it will take a little bit for the weight loss to stop and by the time that happens you will be below where it's healthy to be? You really need to talk with your surgical team and find out the why before you let a BMI number make you go against all three of your surgical team.