weight gain

Hi all I had my sleeve 7th April lost 3st 1lb pre op and post op. I dont know how to full work this page. So my profile is not up to date.
Can any one tell me if they have gained weight with there sleeve. I got on the scales this morning and its saying I have gained 2lb over night im completely gob smacked.


  • randiwoods1
    randiwoods1 Posts: 24 Member
    I was sleeved on 4/22 and have lost around 25 lbs pre and post op. I have had a couple of days where I gained a lb or 2, but they've dropped back off in the next couple of days. Actually my pattern seems to be 2-3 days of plateau followed by a day of loss, repeated.

    One thing is to make sure that you're not eating too much and that you're focused on protien. My Dr said to aim for around 100 calories for each week post op, up to a max of 700-900/day and that's where I should max out. This week, my goal is in the 400 calorie range. I also have a goal of 60-80 grams of protien. Given that each gram of protien is approx. 4 calories, I'm pretty much eating only protien.

    You're 3 weeks ahead of my so I'd think you should be eating around 700 calories/day, 300-400 from protien and most of the rest from fruits/veggies. No more than a cup of food, total, at a meal and 3 meals a day.

    You should also be walking or biking - getting some type of exercise every day - and drinking at least 64 oz of water.

    If you're doing all of this, and still gaining weight, go see your doctor. You might be having other problems (like thyroid) which can cause water retention or weight gain.

    Good luck!
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Weigh and measure your food. It is very easy to get in too many calories by grazing and not measuring and logging all your food. Each stray bite can be up to 50 calories. 10 extra bites and you are over your daily allotment by almost double. Eat only at set meals times with measured food. Protein 1st. You shouldn't be touching carbs yet as you can't spare the calories you need for protein. Are you urinating and having BM's? You could have 5 lbs of poo in you. Check in with your Dr. Some people hardly lose any wt the 1st month. Stick with the plan and you will see results.
  • Ksh1055
    Ksh1055 Posts: 248 Member
    My experience the first month was I had to make myself get water down (I loved water pre-surgery, it just didn't taste good to me post) and make myself eat something every 2 - 3 hours (I just wasn't hungry at all). I walked around during the day as much as I was able. Also, had trouble with BM's and constipation. My surgeon recommended taking Mirilax every other day to get this under control. Straining is not good for you. I also splinted with a pillow quite a bit. Thankfully my love of water returned and the BM's became what is now my normal for life (different from pre-surgery normal).

    But the answer to your question is "Yes, you can gain weight" if you don't walk enough, don't spread out your meals to 5 - 6 small ones a day, don't drink enough water (none at meals) which will put your body into starvation mode. My Dr. also put me on Vitamin D, Calcium, Iron and a multi-vitamin immediately that I must take forever (all her patients have to take supplements for the rest of their lives, not necessarily Iron). I didn't really begin any type of real exercise until I was cleared by my Dr. at about 2 - 2 1/2 month out and even then started out slowly and worked up to longer and more intense.

    I also agree with Mangopickle, if this keeps up and you are doing everything to the letter, contact your surgeon to for their recommendations. Wishing you good luck.
