Intermittent Fasting?

brisingr86 Posts: 1,789 Member
So I know the group hasn't been terribly active, but thought I'd try a new thread anyway. I've been feeling kind of stuck for the last couple months so thought I'd try a bit of shock on my system just to get things moving again (trying to get under 150; I've pretty much been around 151-153 for the last 2 months and can vary that within the day). I've been keeping my calories really low and been getting at least some form of exercise 6 days a week. I've also been trying the intermittent fasting with at least 14-16 hours between last calories to first calories of next day (helps give me an extra push on no evening snacking); still not seeing much and I'm a little frustrated. After some more reading it looks like maybe a once a week 24 hour fast may be a good idea so I'm trying that today (about 13 hours in; planning a spinach and fruit smoothie with protein powder tonight). I've been a little frustrated because I feel like I've been really good with the deficit (even if I'm underestimating, should still be at a deficit) and getting in some exercise.

So, anyone that has tried the intermittent fasting and/or tips on how to just make an adjustment that gets the scale moving again?


  • CrusherKun
    CrusherKun Posts: 353 Member
    I have not done the IF thing, but I have been doing a Low calorie intake plan during the week that seems to show some great results (and then i go and F it up by binging on weekends so i have to start over the next week). Ive been keeping it to a strict 1800 calorie diet per day and Making sure i eat every 2-3 hours. I also have been monitoring my macros and trying to keep my calorie make up to a 45% carb, 30% protein and 25% fat ratio (this is primarily due to being a diabetic, but it really helped me drop the weight i have in the past and continues to show results, but again my diet on the weekends really blows).

    Another thing that may help is to change up the workouts. Try a week of double workouts if you have time or try a different machine. Most of the time my workouts were like this:

    M,W,F - 10 minute treadmill warmup(except wednesdays were cycle) - 30 minute weights (each day a different muscle group focus) - 10 minute treadmill cool down

    T, Th, Sat - 45 minute treadmill walks at 4.2 MPH and a slight incline.

    I saw some great success with that at first as my original workouts were nothing but walking outside or tread mill 6-7 days a week, but over the last 2 months it slowed down in combination with my lazy dieting on weekends.

    My friend who set up my lifting program says "Nutrition is #1 in results, followed closely by activity" - so It stands to reason that if Nutrition isnt there, the activity is going to be less beneficial!

    Its definitely easy to fall off track and even harder to get back on track. Keep working at it and you should get there!
  • brisingr86
    brisingr86 Posts: 1,789 Member
    Thanks for the response. I really wasn't seeing any results and I was thinking about food way more than I felt was healthy so I've pretty much gone back to just aiming for the deficit and being more aware of my macros. I do want to mix up the workouts (keep trying to start C25k and I also want to try the StrongLifts 5x5 that I've heard good things about from other MFPals) but life has been interfering the last few weeks with travel, guests, and work exploding. Finally saw the scale move (maybe the variation in diet with some higher days followed by back to deficit [my goal is about 1500/day]), but I know if I want to keep it going I need to get back on the workout wagon. No travel or guests expected until 4th of July and hopefully work will settle a bit after this week and I can really get back in gear; maybe even some double duty on the workouts.
  • CrusherKun
    CrusherKun Posts: 353 Member
    Part of my issue as of late has been OVERTRAINING - apparently you can do too much and cause plateaus to happen. The last 2 weeks I have done no work outs cause I have been in a lot of pain after running and walking events the last month - and with my workout program being 6 days a week focusing on running AND lifting, I really put a lot of strain on the body. I just went back to the basics and focused on nutrition and the scale started to move. My advice....find one thing and stick to it. If you do SL 5x5 then just walk the off days. If you do decide to do both, don't do what I did and do it for 4-5 months straight....after 2 months of the programs...take 1 week off to let healing happen properly while maintaining nutrition.
  • brisingr86
    brisingr86 Posts: 1,789 Member
    Thanks for the tips. I did start stronglifts and it's been going pretty well, although I did learn I should not do stationary bike afterwards (unless I want to be stiff and sore for the next 3 days). I've found I'm pretty good doing an interval walk/jog on the treadmill after lifting. It's not really c25k, just 1 minute intervals and my goal is to up speeds/incline as it gets easier. So far, haven't really had pain/soreness other than the first time. Weights are still pretty light (I had to deload my deadlift and barbell row quite a bit to make sure I could hold form). Thanks for the tips though. I've been mixing in some Jillian, but I do generally keep it pretty light on my non-lifting days. Hope your body recovers quickly so you can get back to your workouts (in MODERATION), but glad the scale is still moving for you.
  • CrusherKun
    CrusherKun Posts: 353 Member

    My wife just started Jillian a few weeks ago after having a fall out with Insanity phase 2 - it was just too rough on the body and too long for her. She has been liking it but she swears her appetite has gone up since starting.