Saying Hello

janette_l_c Posts: 3 Member
Hi there everyone! I just found this group and thought I would come on and introduce myself. I am a Christian as well and would love to have the support of more Christians in my life journey, both with weight loss and life in general.

I have recently been having a lot of struggles with anxiety attacks and have had to go back on anti-depressants even though I have tried so hard to get off them. I'm working on trusting God with this aspect of my life, although it is so hard to understand sometimes why He doesn't just come and heal me from this (I'm sure we've all been there, right?).

Anyway, just wanted to introduce a little bit about myself! Hope you don't mind if I join in the group and we can help support each other! :)


  • KaelaLee88
    KaelaLee88 Posts: 229 Member
    Janette!!! *hugs*


    Welcome to our group! The ladies here are so wonderful and spirit-lead, you're going to fit in just great :-)

    I am so sorry to hear about your anxiety attacks worsening. I have struggled all my life with anxiety and it can be very distracting when we try so hard to focus on God.

    I completely understand what you mean when you say that you wish God would just heal you. I cannot explain why He has not Healed you but I still wait upon the Lord and draw strength from Him.

    We are here to support one another, I will be praying for renewed strength and healing for you :-)

    Kaela x
  • jmnicholas
    jmnicholas Posts: 58 Member
    Hi Janette,

    I pray the Lord would help you to know the reality of His presence, and that you will be able to testify that He has helped you. Rather perplexingly (to me, anyway), the Lord doesn't always heal or help us in the ways we think, but allows us to experience the things others in the world do. Sometimes, I think this is to help us minister in the future, but it doesn't make sense when we're in the middle of it.

    I pray you will be able to hold on to scripture and deepen your faith, irrespective of what happens.

    God bless
  • debbieannbuck
    debbieannbuck Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Janette and welcome to the group!
    You made a wise choice including the Lord on your journey.
    I would like to encourage you by joining a game I created.

    If you go under "Wise Women of Faith" you will see a topic called "Weight Loss Game."
    Here's how it works:

    On Sunday, June 1st, I am going to eat breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a snack (beverages don't count).
    It is my goal to keep every one of those meals as close as I can to 300 calories (without going over).
    Whoever gets the closest to 1,200 calories (without going over in ANY category), is the winner and gets to choose the next challenge.
    Anyone want to play?
    On June 2nd, go to the "Weight Loss Game" page and post your result!
    Have fun and God bless!!!