Just Let Me

PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
This evening trying to get client work done has just been incredibly stressful. I'm tired and stressed, its 9pm and its still 79 outside and I just don't want to go for a walk or do yoga. I just want to say *kitten* it, eat a double bacon cheeseburger, have some fries (hell lets throw in some onion rings while were at it) and a large coke and curl up in bed to that nauseatingly full feeling (you know the full you feel when you stuff yourself just so you can feel something, so you know to stop). I want to pop on Game of Thrones, crack open a dr pepper and just eat a bag of cheddar and sour cream chips.

But my fitbit has been blinking one light all day...

So now i'm slipping on the plus sized spandex (I will put pants on over these, i'm not that brave) and my uncomfortable pair of shoes (can't wait till Saturdays shopping trip) and heading out into the mucky night and the poorly light streets. I'll walk past the Little Caesars and think "I could have had you", past Bob's Giant Burgers and think "I wanted you, oh how I wanted you" and i'll just keep walking...

This night is almost over. Me and my spandex clad legs are out the door, night everyone.


  • debunny34
    debunny34 Posts: 97 Member
    Ratpat Good job on not eating all of that and getting out and getting a walk in!! I think we can all relate to that. Some days it is just frigging hard as hell to not eat healthy. But we all have came so far already and as long as we stay on the right path, even when it gets bumpy we are going to do fine. Those bumps may be rough sometimes for sure, but in the end the road will level out again and get smooth :) You are doing fantastic by pushing through the cravings and moving past them! Good job!
  • julieworley376
    julieworley376 Posts: 444 Member
    WOW Ratpat that is seriously inspiring. We have all been there.. and I know what it is like to give in to it, ya know, just this once, because tomorrow I can start again, and the next day and the next day till I am saying.. oh my where did the years go.

    YOU ROCK!!!!!

    That is the stuff champions are made of, the very next time you get that feeling and you put that spandex and shoes on, I want to picture you strutting down the street singing.. I am a champion. To Queen of course!
  • mikesgirl4evr
    mikesgirl4evr Posts: 363 Member
    Awesome job RatPat!!!! Don't you hate when that fitbit seems stuck on the one flashing light, lol?
  • KaelaLee88
    KaelaLee88 Posts: 229 Member
    I love this - one little thing that urges us on when we can't take anymore :-)

    Kaela x
  • melissasue0317
    melissasue0317 Posts: 338 Member
    great job working through it!
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    Awesome job RatPat!!!! Don't you hate when that fitbit seems stuck on the one flashing light, lol?

    I have a sedentary job, I try to get up each hour but lets be honest, so unless I get a chance to walk to the market across the street it stays a one light most of the day till the evening when I can walk.

    I so desperately wanted to give up that night, just for a day off. I passed Little Caesars (wich isn't even good pizza anyway) and saw the open sign and the little voice in my head started talking but we powered through. Even after the walk when I got back at 10:30, I hadn't eaten, their wasn't a lot in the fridge that interested me so i spent the next half hour going thought the options in my head. Wanting something easy and fast, i was going back and forth between going to the supermarket and a drive through. Thankfully I was too tired and started to fall asleep so decided to call it a night. Thank goodness or I would have done something damaging with those 1,500 calories.

    Thanks everyone. I thought I should type it out rather then just keep thinking about it.
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Give yourself a big hug--your body is your temple!
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    Give yourself a big hug--your body is your temple!

    Well in all honest right now its an amusement park thats been shut down for health and safety violations.
    Someday it will have a grand reopening under new management.
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Give yourself a big hug--your body is your temple!

    Well in all honest right now its an amusement park thats been shut down for health and safety violations.
    Someday it will have a grand reopening under new management.
