What Happens Now?

qhiggins86 Posts: 113 Member
Alrighty... I'm still waiting for my LO to make her debut but I know quite a few of you have already met your little bundles! How exciting!!! I'm trying not to be jealous because I know she'll be here soon.

I know we're all starting to shift gears into mommy mode (first time for me) and our focus is changing back into getting back to pre-pregnancy or better than pre-pregnancy shape. Do you plan to stick around and keep up on this group? I know it's helped me with all the questions and concerns I've had, and I've thoroughly enjoyed reading everyone's updates.

If you don't plan on sticking around, it's understandable... but I like the aspect of having something in common with you ladies. We all just had or will be having a baby! I'm free to add as a friend to anyone who would like to keep that relationship, because I know I'm going to struggle to get to where I want to be post-partum.


  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I have been thinking about this too. I keep adding all the pregnant mommies so at least I have them as friends.
    From what I have seen, as soon as someone has their baby - typically, they migrate off of this board group.
    I have been really thinking I would like to maybe start a new group 'post baby' or something maybe. Somewhere that we can all go together after this and other people can find us there as well. A group where we can continue to ask each other for advice but on new things - like diaper rashes, sleepless nights and binkies.
  • qhiggins86
    qhiggins86 Posts: 113 Member
    If you do make a group, please remember to add me! :bigsmile:
  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    I have had the same thoughts and if you make a group let me know. I have not been on the forums much as the only internet at home is on my phone. And it's a pain to navigate around on that. I need to get on during a nap because I wanted to update about cloth diapers after using them for a few weeks. Plus it is nice to talk two other moms going through the same thing.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Okay, what name shall it have? Something that makes sense as to what it is so other new mommies can find us but fun/catchy.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
  • KimberlyTG2
    KimberlyTG2 Posts: 84 Member
    Joined it!
  • KimberlyTG2
    KimberlyTG2 Posts: 84 Member
    I have had the same thoughts and if you make a group let me know. I have not been on the forums much as the only internet at home is on my phone. And it's a pain to navigate around on that. I need to get on during a nap because I wanted to update about cloth diapers after using them for a few weeks. Plus it is nice to talk two other moms going through the same thing.

    Tell me how the cloth diapers are going? I go in for my planned c-sec next week, so I'm anxious to hear how your experience has been.
  • 88meli88
    88meli88 Posts: 238 Member
    Hi everyone, I'd like to join that group as well. I was very active on here a year ago but not during the pregnancy. I am ready to get back into it though! LO one is 2 weeks old, he is awesome, and I can't wait to be given the clear to exercise, I really missed a good sweat session.

    Re Csection - I had a planned C section 2 weeks ago. And if you are still ahead of it, just remember it is just the first 24 hours that are hard. Hang in there and you will be up and running in no time. I am now taking 4-5 km walks daily w stroller. Good luck!
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I am so glad, for your sake, that your experience was nothing like mine. There was all sorts of problems, I was unable to walk for 3 weeks after my C section and my first day up and moving again, my scar restore and I had to go back to bed again! It was painful and frustrating.