What are your current goals?

Right now my goals are:

1) To be under 300lbs for the first time in two decades. I'm currently at 331 (I was at 350 when I started).

2) To make exercise more a part of my daily life. We go to the gym 2-3 times a week, and I want to also start moving more and being active on a day to day basis.

3) To eat healthier and more balanced. Less processed and pre-prepared foods, less eating out, and more whole from scratch type things. Lots of fresh fruits and veg.

4) To be in a better place with my PTSD. I am starting EMDR therapy, and I also find that exercise and eating properly helps tremendously with my anxiety levels.

How I'm trying to reach those goals:

1) Logging on MyFitnessPal

2) Using the FitBit and a Withings scale

3) Visiting the gym (and I want to start doing some of my Wii Fit / Wii game type things too)

4) Using EMDR techniques

5) Creating this group to try and create a support network. :)


  • Good goal-setting, L.!

    Mine: To be under 150 for the first time in a good two decades. I'm looking at 145 as a goal and THEN I WANT TO STAY THERE! I topped out, once at just over 200. In recent years, I've hung around 177-185, but at that weight I have heart burn all the time. Likely a hiatus hernia. I got tired of this, and at the end of October 2013 I joined Weight Watchers online and started paying attention to what I put in my mouth. You're looking at someone who can eat butter like it's cheese! I've been steadily losing for the last 6 months, even when I was in Mexico with no scales for 3 months. I took a tape measure and took measurements every so often. Result: I'm now down about 25 pounds since I began, the heartburn thing has gone away, I'm wearing size 14 again, almost comfortably, and I'm planning to walk half the Camino in September. Now THAT is big news for this former couch potato.

    I also got a Fitbit and use it to track my steps. That is also very helpful. If it wasn't pouring outside right now, I'd go for a walk. And I have a digital scale now, an Aria, that tracks my weight directly to my computer. I only weigh in once a week. First thing on Wednesday mornings. Naked as the day I was born!
  • Linda That is great! Wonderful that your heartburn is gone and that you're walking more. <3