FTM need your help

surabhimhjn Posts: 5 Member
Hey! I don't know if I'm peculiar or if its common but I look waaay wider after my DD. I mean my tummy area was nice, no abs just toned with curves but now my torso looks like a barrel. It's got no shape or curve and my tummy skin is like jelly. My baby girl is almost 6 months old and I have about 20lbs to lose. Any advise/comments??


  • sau223
    sau223 Posts: 1
    I have a 9 month old and find the same kind of thing. Looking for an accountability friend to help jumpstart my weight loss. I gained 60 lbs while pregnant and still have about 30 that I would like to lose.... That would get me 10 lbs lighter than pre-preggo weight. Trying to do it the healthy way by eating well and exercising.
  • tallulahalice
    tallulahalice Posts: 19 Member
    With my first baby, my then mother in law told me that my shape would change and she was right. I think you do get wider - I am quite small around the rib cage and with both pregnancies my ribs have had to expand quite a bit. It takes a while for this to go back and to be honest I don't know that it's ever the same... However after giving birth you do get stronger (I like to think both mentally and physically) and if you focus on this and train your body back through exercise you may find that you enjoy your post partum body more. It took me a while, but this happened the first time around - now working on it the second time at 5 months pp :)