Check In May 18, 2014



  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    Way to flippin GO getting under 300! And on the chocolates!!

    mikesgirl.. what you did was awesome. How I wish I had that moment back again when I went to see a Gynacologist because I was leaking urine years ago.. I didn't know it but I had 5 prolapses and after a very painful examination he told me no way would he operate. I remember him digging his hands into my tummy and kneading it and saying in a disgusted voice.. what is this? Look at all this!!!

    Had he tried that now.. I would probably have hit him.

    You should have, and then when he recovered kicked him in the balls.
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Well I made my way to the gym and had a good swim but have now "run away from home"--huge argument with hubby and I am so pissed I don't even want to see him/speak to him. Bad news this has been building for a while and will take a lot of work to resolve. Good news is that I am not eating my anger.

    Anyone else notice that without food as a coping mechanism, you are having to work through a lot of ****ty feelings? I'd really like to go live in a cave for a while. :mad: