Week 3 check in

educatyion Posts: 31 Member
Day 1 of week 3 was a challenge for sure. But I feel like after surviving week 2's madness, we got this! Good luck this week all!


  • rwieber
    rwieber Posts: 188 Member
    Started week 3 today. It's FAST moving! Yikes.....I got thru it and was really sweaty!! Had to modify moves but like all the other weeks, after a few days it should get easier. Happy Monday!!
  • DAM5412
    DAM5412 Posts: 660 Member
    I started week 3 yesterday and my triceps were killing me all day yesterday and today. I didn't have time today to do the tape, I went for a hike instead and will try to do the workout after work.
  • beautifullyblessed16
    beautifullyblessed16 Posts: 180 Member
    Day 4 of Week 3 complete. It definitely gets easier and I like this workout more than last week's. Can't believe it is nearing to the end. Keep it up!
  • tmjdunn
    tmjdunn Posts: 77 Member
    Wow was that intense. Today was my day one of week three. Wow, the quads and the triceps are insane. I feel like I need to do an extra ab workout though as I didn't feel a lot of the ab moves in this level. I was excited to see the twisting planks though, those were one of my faves in 30 DS
  • TurboTam
    TurboTam Posts: 174 Member
    Day 4 of Week 3 complete. It definitely gets easier and I like this workout more than last week's.

    This is so good to know!!! I start week 3 tonight and I hoped I'd like it better than week 2. I'm not sure what it was but I had to keep telling myself "it's only 20 mintues and 6 days, 5 days.." and I usually look forward to my workouts!
  • tmjdunn
    tmjdunn Posts: 77 Member

    This is so good to know!!! I start week 3 tonight and I hoped I'd like it better than week 2. I'm not sure what it was but I had to keep telling myself "it's only 20 mintues and 6 days, 5 days.." and I usually look forward to my workouts!

    Yeah i tended to dread week 2 as well. I think it was all the plank work...killed my wrists and made me not enjoy as much as I probably otherwise would have.
  • DAM5412
    DAM5412 Posts: 660 Member
    Have you done the duck walks?! OMG these kill me! I mean, I have issues with my glutes to begin with, but I just can't be mobile that close to the ground, it feels so unnatural! I do really like the pace of this week, the workout is tough, but it flies by. I've been doing it every other day though, as i'm trying to do more cardio (hill walks and the C25k program), and I think giving my muscles that extra recovery time really helps.

    I still end up doing mostly modified workouts, but I think when we finish this month, I'm going to run through the program again for another month (if I survive week 4) and just mix up the weeks a bit (so do a week 1 on Monday, then wk 2 the next work out, wk3 the third, etc). Has anyone else done this? I want to really get to the point where I feel I'm actually doing each move at the "normal" level.
  • rwieber
    rwieber Posts: 188 Member
    Today was day 2 of week 3. OMG....it really is hard. I'm sore in weird places. Not a bad thing....lol just different. Some of the moves are pretty difficult so I am just doing the best I can knowing that as the week goes on, it should get easier. Every morning when I get out of bed I am thinking: JUST DO IT!
  • scole1008
    scole1008 Posts: 19 Member
    This is my 2nd week of level 3, I didn't feel like I was ready to move on to level 4 yet, its actually getting much better and I can do all the moves now. I haven't lost much weight from this video but I can really feel a difference. I like this video better than 30 day shred.
  • TurboTam
    TurboTam Posts: 174 Member
    Have you done the duck walks?! OMG these kill me! I mean, I have issues with my glutes to begin with, but I just can't be mobile that close to the ground, it feels so unnatural! I do really like the pace of this week, the workout is tough, but it flies by.

    UGH These were tough! I tore my quad muscle a few years ago but really haven't had much problems with it unless I'm sprinting but I still pay close attention to it when I'm doing funky moves, this seemed to be hard but ok so I powered through. I woke up at 5 am with a burning in my left quad (same one I tore) and had to get up and hobble down the stairs to take some ibuprofen so I could go back to sleep. It feels better since I've been up walking around for 5 hours. Jillian has a new dvd out "One Week Shred" I was going to try after this but I'm thinking I'll just re-do 30-Day Shred.
  • tmjdunn
    tmjdunn Posts: 77 Member
    Did my day 2 and yup, hate the duck walks. I totally am in a half squat for those...wow the burning. Doing pretty good with most of the moves. The only one I have a true issue with is the jumping lunges. I injured myself last year doing those in the 30DS so I do high kneed for the cardio on those ones. Totally not worth getting hurt over again. Today was still wicked challanging, but I did see improvement from yesterday so that feels great.
  • TurboTam
    TurboTam Posts: 174 Member
    Yesterday was suppose to be my 3rd day but I woke up with the worst sore throat so I planned on doing an evening workout which I skipped because I was feeling worse. A dose of nyquil and an early bedtime seemed to help a little so I'll be doing my day 3 tonight followed by the treadmill. How is everyone doing?
  • rwieber
    rwieber Posts: 188 Member
    Day 3 of Week 3 Done today. Working out 5 days a week and will continue to do 2 weeks of each week (10 workouts)....I still modify some of the moves but I feel like I'm getting stronger and better at the ones I struggle with....
  • DAM5412
    DAM5412 Posts: 660 Member
    I'm averaging about a 7 day work out schedule, with rest days in between. I am very, very afraid of week 4. I Don't think I got that far the last time I did this work out tape and I know it's going to be soo tough.

    But I see so many positive results that I know I'll stick with it and get through it. I like the improved strength and when I am able to accomplish one of the moves for the first time.

    I am going to look into that one week shred video
  • beautifullyblessed16
    beautifullyblessed16 Posts: 180 Member
    I completed week 3 workout today and feel pretty good about moving to week 4 workout tomorrow. My very first attempt at RI30 a few years ago stopped at the end of week 3. When I attempted it again earlier this year, I was able to complete it the entire way through. I guess now this is my third go round, I should not have an excuse for not completing week 4. I honestly do not remember the exercises in week 4 except for the crazy lunges. Guess I will find out tomorrow.

    My weight has been really dropping on the scale. I started at 155.4 then went up to 157.4 at the end of week 1 to 156.2 by the end of week 2 all the way down to 152. It is bananas! Can't wait to see how week 4 treats my body.
  • tmjdunn
    tmjdunn Posts: 77 Member
    Today was Wk3D3 for me and i felt improvement today. I took a good rest day yesterday and did a walking workout instead of RI30. I was DRIPPING in sweat today. Like it was ridiculous. I think it was a combo of it being a hot day today and being able to push myself a bit harder on some of the more difficult moves.I also managed to clear a bit more floor space so I could do the ab moves better and I was able to feel it more today than I have the past couple of days. Hopefully gonna get day 4 in tomorrow. Trying to take this level slow and steady so I can focus on form and know I will be ready for level 4.
  • ChippleMunk
    ChippleMunk Posts: 13
    Man, it's always funny when you advance a week you are watching and trying to keep up and all you think is, "WTF is that?! I can't do that!" I know I'll get into the swing of things in a day or two, but wow! I will say this workout moved really fast this week. Today was day 1 for me and even as I struggled and missed a lot of the workout trying to figure it out, within 15 minutes my groin was so eff'ing sore! I've gotten amazing results so far and am so excited to finish this thing and move on to more of Jillian's workouts (and repeat this one too one day).

    Results: I have lost 8 lbs, 2.5" off my waist, 4" off hips, 2.5" off my chest, 1" off my legs and 0.5" off my neck! What amazing results in 2 weeks time!
  • tmjdunn
    tmjdunn Posts: 77 Member
    Great Job ChippleMunk!! Yeah on day one as soon as the warm up started I was like what is this....this is a warm up. Congrats on the awesome results!
  • beautifullyblessed16
    beautifullyblessed16 Posts: 180 Member
    Lol @ tmjdunn. I thought the same thing too for the warm up. I still couldn't get my full balance on that second dynamic stretch move by day 6. Oh well. :-)

    Kudos ChippleMunk!!! That is awesome!!!!
  • DAM5412
    DAM5412 Posts: 660 Member
    I started week 4 today...omg, Basheera was sweating her *kitten* off and it was a killer pace!! I was "modified" the entire time and I couldn't blow dry my hair because my shoulders were killing me.

    Love, love this program and will keep doing it into June until I get past all of the modified moves and feel like I am actually doing the work out.

    Can't wait for us to check in at the end of May with our weights and measurements.

    Happy Friday and Have a wonderful Memorial Day!!