Portion sizes



  • Ksh1055
    Ksh1055 Posts: 248 Member
    I was told the same thing about not drinking with a straw as you take too much air in when you drink with it. I'm 100ish days out and have had a strip of pizza, just started 100 calorie snack pack popcorn (my favorite go to, along with yogurt), I do have a protein (30g per serving) enriched shake each day, use Fage yogurt (very high in protein) and Dannon 2X Protein, also carry high protein, low carb/low fat bars, mozzarella sticks, etc.

    I haven't tried anything like steak or pasta as of yet. But, can't wait until I do. I'll bet I won't be able to eat much of those type of dishes. Also, I have found through our group that there are significant differences in the pre and post op instructions, and for eating stages/calorie levels/protein post-op.

    I log my food for the day, see where my protein is and try to spread it out across all meals - most during the day and dinner. I check my totals for calories, and my breakdowns and if they are out of line, I adjust my food accordingly. I also weigh and measure my food. Now that I have my Nanny position this is imperative to do, or I know I'd be off by days end.

  • kglowins
    kglowins Posts: 111 Member
    Great advice, pawoodhull! I think I would also take in less air using a straw. I will wait and speak with them about it!
  • JxAAA
    JxAAA Posts: 87 Member
    I'm 9 weeks post op. I think 3oz is my limit on dense proteins. I weigh pretty much everything and my entire meal rarely goes over 4oz. I've never eaten to the point where I'm uncomfortable and I hope to keep it that way. I have had an instance where I ate too fast and I never want to experience that again. I'm trying to get myself used to weighing everything so I don't fall back into old habits where I overeat. I've read on different forums about undereating your sleeve, where people eat to be satisfied not to get full. Seems like I'll have more success keeping it off if I stick to measurements instead waiting till I get the full feeling.
  • crodrigu73
    crodrigu73 Posts: 134 Member
    Thank you all! I thought it was just me. I can eat 4 oz of dense protein and 1/2 cup of veggies. I am 5 months out. A friend is 3 months out and she can barely eat 2 oz of protein and nothing else.
  • kglowins
    kglowins Posts: 111 Member
    Good point JxAAA, I haven't had a "revisit" of my food and I hope that never happens. But I do try to eat until I feel full just so I can get all of my protein in.
  • debhaley1
    debhaley1 Posts: 45 Member
    I have not attempted a 'real; straw but I do use my camelback eddy bottles everyday. I told my surgeon I was doing that and he said as long as it doesn't cause a problem he was ok with it. I use them because the bite suck straw makes me take smaller sips and I can measure my amount all day. I wasn't drinking enough water from a glass or i would gulp and make everything worse.

    there is a surgeon that has a whole series in UTube that discusses straws and gum and he says that it is superstitious to think you are going to get more air from a straw. My issue with the gum situation is because they said it is a fear that you would swallow it. Really? I am an adult, if I can't figure out how to chew gum without swallowing it, I have much larger issues.
  • Cinzano1959
    Cinzano1959 Posts: 16 Member
    OMG I can SO relate to how you are feeling!! I saw all of these "I can only eat 2 bites" posts and thought there was something wrong with me!! LOL I am able to eat 4-5 oz of protein at once. I like fattier meats, so to keep my portions smaller (3oz) and still feel full, I have added in a half cup of cooked veggies. It has worked beautifully! I do not regularly eat carbs. I eat mostly protein and veg. Every once in awhile i have a few crackers with cheese or have a few croutons on my salad if I am eating out. I do weight an measure-- mostly to avoid wasting food-- because my eyes are often WAY bigger than my stomach. Also, it helps me not to overeat mindlessly. If I only have 3oz of chicken on my plate, I can eat it and not worry I will be too full.

    I use a straw and do not find it to be problematic. I also chew gum occasionally. Again, no big deal.

    You are only 6 weeks out-- it is possible you will feel more restriction later, as on another forum it was suggested you are not fully "healed" at 6 weeks. IDK.

    I am with you on not wanting to feel uncomfortably full. I have not eaten to the point where I experienced a "revisiting of the meal", but there were a few times when I ate too fast and got verrrry close. YUCK. I do NOT like that feeling at all, so I do all I can to eat mindfully.

    For me, it has been hard to not compare myself to others, but then I remind myself this is MY journey. I am eating FAR less than I did prior to surgery. I am eating high quality food and I get to eat to live, rather than live to eat. I feel a great deal more freedom than I used to when it comes to food. I am not a slave to my stomach and its demands. :) Overall, I am thrilled--- so I choose to focus on what I need to do for me (protein first, veggies at least once per day, etc.) to take care of my health and let the weight do what it does.
  • Cinzano1959
    Cinzano1959 Posts: 16 Member
    I am eating very much the same as you, I am 8 weeks out and can manage most foods. and can eat 5oz sometimes.
  • shoerack45
    shoerack45 Posts: 30
    I heard the straw caution, but only for the first month. I never heard the gum caution.....

    Today I felt hunger and I started to flip out b/c it seems nobody is ever hungry. Sometimes I have to step away from all of my board reading or I'll develop an eating disorder. I am being sarcastic but also a little serious. I never beat myself up b/c I felt hunger before.....

    I focus on my journey and my unique traits when I start my flipping out phase.
  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    The common thread is we are all different and the range of normal is very wide. As long as you are getting your daily protein and fluids and do not "graze" the VSG will get help you meet your goals.

    For me; 4-6 oz of protein per meal is comfortable when coupled with veggies to bring me up to around 8 oz total. My Dr. said that I would most likely settle in at about 8-10oz. My progression was steady from liquids to full foods over an 8 week period. 6 oz total food at about 3 months. I am 8 months out now.
  • Thaeda
    Thaeda Posts: 834 Member
    I heard the straw caution, but only for the first month. I never heard the gum caution.....

    Today I felt hunger and I started to flip out b/c it seems nobody is ever hungry. Sometimes I have to step away from all of my board reading or I'll develop an eating disorder. I am being sarcastic but also a little serious. I never beat myself up b/c I felt hunger before.....

    I focus on my journey and my unique traits when I start my flipping out phase.

    I feel hunger. If I wait several hours to eat, the hunger can get pretty intense, even! So there is nothing wrong with you if you experience hunger. Good idea to focus on YOU--- we are all different. I think for me, I am still settling in and figuring out what works best for me. It will take time and patience. :)
  • squeaker31
    squeaker31 Posts: 2
    This is a great thread, some good advice. I was also sleeved on 4/7/14 and find it easier than I expected to overeat this early in the process. The 1/2 cup portions recommended to me don't really fill me up. I was panicking because where I felt comfortable and satisfied calories wise was 800-900 and some folks on the boards were saying theirs were so much lower, a few bites only, etc.

    But my nutritionist said 800-1000 of the right foods is a good goal so I felt a little better. She also said to step away from the internet sometimes! LOL. Nutrition and diet can be as personal as parenting in that in some ways there is no right answer. You will find different opinions and at some point you have to take the information you have an decide what works for you. Easier said than done for me, I have NO confidence in my ability to do the right thing for my body yet. But tracking here is helping because if I'm 100% honest I can evaluate things and change as needed. I'm trying to feel that I can't "ruin" it (aka i can eat more than others so i must have done something wrong and this was a waste...), and remind myself that this is a process and a it's a decision to keep making.
  • kglowins
    kglowins Posts: 111 Member
    I also had my surgery on 4/7/14, squeaker31. I feel like my loss has been slower than I expected so sometimes I feel like maybe I'm making the wrong decisions. Even though all I eat is chicken and veggies for the most part...idk I'm having mixed emotions about it all today.
  • Thaeda
    Thaeda Posts: 834 Member
    I also had my surgery on 4/7/14, squeaker31. I feel like my loss has been slower than I expected so sometimes I feel like maybe I'm making the wrong decisions. Even though all I eat is chicken and veggies for the most part...idk I'm having mixed emotions about it all today.

    I do not know about you, but I have lost weight faster than I ever did on any diet I have been on, PLUS I have not had to battle constant cravings and true physical hunger.

    What decisions do you think have been "wrong"? If all you are eating is protein and veg., IDK how you could be doing anything wrong. I struggle to be patient, as well--- but this truly is a process and a journey. Be kind to yourself. :)