Anyone going to the Gallifrey One Convention 2015?

xiibalba Posts: 17 Member
It will be my first Doctor Who convention and I cannot wait for February! Already thinking of cosplays for me and my husband.

Anyone else? :)


  • DoctahJenn
    DoctahJenn Posts: 616 Member
    :( Sadly, LA is too far away for me. Otherwise I would totally be there.
  • UmmSqueaky
    UmmSqueaky Posts: 715 Member
    I briefly considered it, walked away from my computer to contemplate and by the time I came back, it was all sold out lol. It's apparently a ton of fun.

    Start thinking of unique ribbon phrases too, as those are a huge part of Gally (or at least they are to the people I'm friends with who go) - - if you can find something that ties into your cosplays, then you can hand them out when people compliment your costume :)

    This is my ribbon for my conventions this year, to go along with my Moment cosplay


    re: cosplays, I'd search "gallifrey one" on flickr and browse through to see what other people are doing. TARDIS dresses are very popular, almost to the point of over saturation. Eleventh Doctors are everywhere, closely followed by 10th doctors. That doesn't mean you can't dress as them, but if you pick one of the more popular costumes, you won't stand out as much (which may be good or bad depending on what you're going for).

    On the other hand, you could make the mistake I did and go too obscure - I did an audio only companion of the 8th doctor for Chicago TARDIS last year, and had expected a few more people to recognize the character, since Big Finish audio has a big presence at the event. But, the dozen people who's faces lit up and went Molly! when they saw me was good enough.

    We'll expect lots of pictures and a full report so we can live vivaciously through you :P
  • xiibalba
    xiibalba Posts: 17 Member
    We were thinking of doing the Amy and Rory of "A good man goes to war" with a little doll, I've never seen it before as a cosplay. I think it can be fun and comfortable (at least for me hahaha) The level is so high!!
    But please, if you have more ideas I'm all ears, I'll be my first time cosplaying and I'm not really sure.
    I've seen ribbons in pictures but I don't know what they are for I'll have to investigate.

    And don't worry, I'll post tons of pictures, you'll get bored :)
  • UmmSqueaky
    UmmSqueaky Posts: 715 Member
    If your husband is up for playing Rory the Roman I say go for it! I don't think I've ever seen that particular pairing :)

    Ribbons are whatever you make them to be - the basics are you pass them out to people. Who, what, when and how is up to you :) Mine are for people who I make friends with at cons or who compliment my costume, or as a trade for people who give them to me.