
What motivates you? I'm trying to set things up right to keep motived! So far...

My niece: I have my niece walking with me every day. She isn't very healthy but she just finished track season and she looks great. My sister asked me to help keep my niece motivated.

New double stroller: My husband's best friend ordered me a double stroller yesterday! I can't wait until it comes in! Plus I can't let it sit and collect dust!

New clothes: I want new work clothes in the fall. I'm a teacher!


  • arfog
    arfog Posts: 70 Member
    I have a picture on my dresser of me at my ideal weight to motivate me. :)
  • sydney_cf
    sydney_cf Posts: 2
    I bought a bikini that I'd like to fit in this summer (we'll say July). It fits now but does NOT look good lol. I would also like to fit into all of my pre pregnancy clothes. Breastfeeding has been a wonder for me, I'm back down to my pre-preg weight, but I still have about 15 lbs I want to get rid of!

    I really like this app/website too. Having to log everything I eat makes me eat less crap and choose better foods as well as gives me some more motivation to exercise.
  • mego07
    mego07 Posts: 234 Member
    My pre-pregnany clothes. They are sooo close to fitting. Most i just have really bad muffin top, but others still wont button.

    I want to look good for mid summer. I like July like sydney stated.