Week 3 Updates

teyadu133 Posts: 15 Member
I weighed this morning and I have made it to Onederland!!! 198.2 lbs to be exact! I've just started Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and plan to do this on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. I hope to Zumba for at least 20 minutes on Wednesdays and for an hour on Saturdays and take Sunday off (maybe just a short walk with our dog, if anything). My next major goal is to get below 190 lbs.

How is everyone else doing? What are your biggest hurdles and what improvements have you already seen or felt. My biggest hurdle is FOOD (I love junk food and sweets). I've been trying to overcome it by allowing myself some, but only a small portion. Last night I was under my calories for the day (although my fat, sodium, and sugar were all over my limit) so I let myself have a caramel crunch yogurt. My improvement is fitting into my clothes better. Pants that were cutting into me 3 weeks ago are actually fitting and maybe even getting a little bit loose. Also, my wedding rings and even my shoes are not as tight! Plus, I feel better (sleeping better, more energy during the day, not as hungry as I was the first couple of weeks, actually wanting water instead of diet soda, craving more fruits and veggies and less carbs and junk, etc.)


  • schoneybee
    schoneybee Posts: 2 Member
    Congrats on making your goal. I've also enjoyed fitting back into my snug clothes. Still trying to get under 200, would love to make it before beach trip this summer.
  • chrisssiex23x
    chrisssiex23x Posts: 431 Member
    Im not fitting into jeans i bought few months ago. I bought them on sale since they were only a £1 lol no joke. Very chuffed that i can fit into them.

    Im under 14stone (196lbs) now which was my target so my next one is to hit 13st (182lbs)

    But like you to get out of 190's would be amazing :)