Yoga - First Workout

PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
I've been doing hatha yoga for the past 40 or so days and it was part of the impetus behind starting my journey. It's been extremely helpful to me on this journey, both in exercise, endurance, strength, and flexibility, but also in being mindful of my body and where I am in this journey. I do it in the morning/early afternoon and it brings a big boost of energy to my day. I can't say I always go to the mat willingly, sometime I have to drag my lazy bum their to get to work, but once I start I'm glad I'm doing it.

I have a private trainer but I know this isn't something everyone can have or afford (I can only afford it because of bartering), some might not be comfortable in doing it (theirs not a lot of yoga classes for the full figured person out their) in front of others or in a class. So i thought I would share the poses for my various workouts for others to see and try if they want. I'm posting videos from "Yoga with Adrien" from her youtube channel. I use her videos to remind myself of how to do the poses properly when I'm not with my instructor. I thought some of you might enjoy it, and besides its free. All you need is a matt or a folded towel and the motivation to do it. If your like me you'll be falling over and sweeting like no ones business but its a wonderful achievement the day you can do a forward bend and rest the palms of your hands to the floor. I also find it great exercise for other workouts as it gets you all limbered up.

This was the first workout series I started with. I did it 4 times a week for 20-25min each time, for two weeks. Though you can go as long as you want or as long as you can stand it. You might start by repeating each pose 5 times or as many as you are comfortable with.

I always start out with 5 min of breathing exercises (I know you have to sit still for 5 min, it can be killer some times) and end with 2 min of breathing exercises. I'll let Adrien do the talking. You might put these together into a youtube playlist and just let them play out as you workout to her voice giving you instruction.

This first video isn't so much a pose as it's going over how to breath in hatha yoga. Breathing is an important part of the exercise and is one that takes practice. A lot of the poses fallow a breathing pattern of inhaling and exhaling through the nose so knowing how to breath is important.

Ujjayi Breathing

Pose 1. Sukhasana (The Easy Pose)

--- The not to easy pose. I like to do this for 5 min to give myself time to focus but you may try it only for a few breaths till your ready to start. If sitting in this pose is difficult, try placing a pillow on the ground and sitting just on the edge of the pillow to give your hips and tail bone some support. You can also try doing this pose sitting in a chair, remembering to keep the alignment. I also do this when I am having a hard time concentrating.

-- If your having trouble concentrating their is another breath you can do while in Sukhasana. It's called Simhagarjanasana, or Roaring Lion. You will feel and look silly doing it but its hard to concentrate on your worries when your roaring.

Pose 2. Cat-Cow

Pose 3. Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

Pose 4. Uttanasana (Forward Fold)

Pose 5. Dandasana (Staff Pose)

- If this is hard on your bum or back you can add a pillow as we do in Sukhasana.
- I add a forward fold to this, keeping my back straight and extending my arms down along my legs as far as I can reach on an exhale and then slowly bring it back up on inhale.

Pose 6. Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose) - Love this pose

End with Sukhasana (The Easy Pose) and a few min of breathing exercise.


  • mikesgirl4evr
    mikesgirl4evr Posts: 363 Member
    Thanks Patrick! I'm definitely going to check those out. I belong to the Y (thanks to my insurance) and I participate in a lot of the Silver Sneakers Classes. They are designed for the older adults but they are fantastic for the obese. And trust me, Chair Aerobics might sound easy but it's a hell of a workout. They also do a chair yoga and I've been doing that for a bit. Might try some of these in the privacy of my own home.
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    I hope you enjoy it. Its a workout especially when you have a lot of wight behind it (the stomach and thighs getting in the way doesn't help), but it helps. I defiantly do it in the privacy of my home. Not that I feel judged but I just like doing it alone, or because sometimes its more comfortable to do it in my compression shorts and thats just a sight I don't wish to share.