Exercise .............. challenges and curses :)

JoyD824 Posts: 36 Member
So what are you doing for exercise?

I pulled out my wii fit board and wii sports just to get started.
I also wear a fitbit and have a goal of 8,000 steps a day


  • I walk during my 15 minute breaks at work (2 times a day) which is about .75 miles each time. Our program has you meet with an exercise physiologist so I will meet with her on Tuesday and she will develop a workout plan to meet my needs. I know I like to do different things so I am thinking of incorporating zumba, bootcamp, walking and weights into a program that I can do at least 3- 4 times a week (hopefully more!) I also have a fit bit and aim to get 10,000 steps a day but most days that proves very difficult with an "office job". Interested to hear what others are doing!!
  • yellowdaisy3321
    yellowdaisy3321 Posts: 107 Member
    In the beginning I tried to keep up my normal workout routine from pre-diet and that was a huge failure. It was too much and completely stalled out my weight loss. That's the curse many of us have found in my program, too much or too vigorous and you stop losing weight. So I was doing 4-5 days of 30 min cardio and either upper or lower body weights.

    The exercise physiologist had me alter my plan to 4 days a week max and either cardio or weight training but not both on the same day. So I alternate day 1: 45 min cardio moderate intensity; day 2: upper body weights; day 3: 45 min cardio moderate intensity; day 4: lower body weights. I never do weights the day before weigh in because muscles retain water when they are sore and it makes me gain 1-2lbs. I also have an extra shake within 60 min of a workout. If I skip the shake on a gym day I won't lose that week.

    I also have my fitbit set to 10k steps and aim to walk more than that everyday. I average around 9-12k per day. Some weeks I just walk, I stopped my cardio/weight routine for a couple months and just walked on all my breaks/lunch and my wieght loss stayed very steady. I don't get an extra shake on just walking days unless I walk more than 15k steps. Now I work from home full time at night so I am working out at the gym again.

    Our behaviorist and exercise physiologist have warned us that we don't need and shouldn't do vigorous exercise on the program because it will backfire on us. They are fine with us just walking for exercise, they really just want us to create the habit so it's something we're used to doing when the program is over. Once we move to maintenance we can start vigorous exercise.
  • Ladybug_Karen
    Ladybug_Karen Posts: 123 Member
    I've been walking as much as I can. I'm still early in the program (ending my fifth week) so I'm doing 3-4 days a week. I walk anywhere from 15-30 minutes. I want to walk more but right now, my plantar fasciitis is flaring up. Kills my feet. But working on recovery. :)
  • Wonderwomantam
    Wonderwomantam Posts: 40 Member
    I have a YMCA membership and attend a class here and there of Shred (weights) and yoga. I was a runner before and found that I just could not keep up that same pace, so I run only one time per week with a much slower speed and walk a few days a week. I also like to bike with my family on Sunday afternoons.

    I found out this past week that when I went from exercising two days a week to four days, I lost 3.5 lbs in one week compared to the usual 2 lbs. I also upped my water from 8 cups to 12 cups per day.
  • JoyD824
    JoyD824 Posts: 36 Member
    I meet with the fitness coordinator tomorrow afternoon. I am not really exercising much at thus time I know I need to get motivated with this to meet my goals.

    I have a fitbit that I wear every day I need to up my daily goal for walking, currently I am averaging about 7500 steps a day and need to move the daily goal up to 8500 to 10,000. I know walking is what I need to do but I do struggle with getting moving.

    Fitness is my weakness.
  • JoyD824
    JoyD824 Posts: 36 Member
    6/5/2014 I did one hour of ballet core aerobics - 501 calories burned.
    I also have been doing better with getting back on track today had two shakes - one bar and an apple - and salads.