Curse You Scales

PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
As many of you know I've started this journey with only an estimation of my starting weight based on a home scale that registers protest every time I step on it and the manufactures maximum weight limit for that model. Despite this i've kept up with my weight loss and have seen progress through other measure as I wait for the faithful day when the scale in the bathroom yields to me.

A late night trip to the grocery store yesterday found me discovering the store has one of those blood pressure testing devices that can also do weight and bmi. Looking around tot see no one was present i sat down and started the test hoping to get some idea of my weight. I had it email me the results and by the time I got to the car I got an email with my weight. But it doesn't make any sense. After a full day of eating and drinking, wearing all my cloths, a phone, wallet, and keys in my pocket it said my weight was 280. But naked on the scale at home which still reads Errr... has a max weight of 330...... The scale works as someone else in the house uses it each day to track his weight.

Wich one to set on fire first....

Back to the journey, just thought I would share my frustration. One day it will yield to me and I will know the truth.


  • mikesgirl4evr
    mikesgirl4evr Posts: 363 Member
    Oh Pat, I'm so sorry that happened. Scales can be so damn frustrating. Personally I never use those store blood pressure/weight/bmi machines unless I see that it has been through maintenance in the last 24 hours. The majority of them have a little sticker that says when it was last serviced and therefore re-calibrated (at least here in Missouri). The problem with those machines is so many parents allow their children to play on them that they get off calibration. I was going to ask if you're sure the scale at home worked but then I saw about someone else using it successfully. I purchased a scale that weighs up to 375. I purchased it online as the ones in the store never seemed to go high enough for me. I'm not sure what to tell you except don't let it discourage you. You are doing great. You are seeing so many NSV's, let them carry you through. Eventually that damn scale will show you a number. Did you do your measurements? I found that very helpful. There were many weeks when the scale didn't move at all for me but my measurements went down. Like I said, you are doing fantastic!!
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    How much do you think you weigh? Roughly? I think I bought a scale that maxes out at 400 for pretty cheap. Of course, this is the infamous lost in the closet scale.. but still. If you really want to know.. get a new one. Or if you want to just keep doing your thing and are close, I get that. One thing you can do, is just walk into any old doctors office and say excuse me, but I am going to weigh myself, do you mind? They will say.. no go ahead and walk in, walk out.

    Honestly, they won't think twice about it. Won't even have to be your doctor or anything.
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    It doesn't discourage me I just find it slightly frustrating and amusing. I thought I would be more discouraged but now I just find it amusing. I'm assuming the store is wrong, but for a while it was nice to imagine I was 280. I assumed, given the technical specs, that I was starting at roughly 330. Given my combined calorie deficit over the last 49 days that means I should have roughly lost 20lbs. If that's true then I'm maybe a month away from the scale yielding to me. I have noticed I can stand on it longer before it maxes out so I take that as a sign. I do do measurements but i'm not great at it as measuring consistently is difficult. I could buy another scale it just seems like a waste when I have one that will eventually be able to read me, and as i only weigh myself once a month...
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Options that I know you are a dude...and you are walking almost 5 miles and at this for almost 50 days, I'm going to take a guess and say you are down way more than 20lbs. Now you got me wanting to know. I think your home scale is wonky.
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    I'm with Heather... go weigh in at a doctor's office or bariatric unit at a local hospital. No one will think twice about your asking. Add 50 lbs. to that. I bet you've lost that much. Then you have a real starting point.
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member

    Sorry for the gender confusion, I guess my pony is likely to do that (no i'm not a My Little Pony fan, its from my facebook profile i put up in solidarity for all the boys who feel bullied for wanting to sport Rainbow dash paraphernalia). I would like to hope so the weight thing. I might, your assuming a lot more confidence then I usually seem to have. Maybe the local community health clinic. Granted i did just get health insurance so maybe i should go use some of my subsided coverage.