Wine is the one thing I can't give up

I have been struggling for years to lose weight. It started after I had my daughter 12 years ago. I was in a super unhappy marriage and had a job that I hated. I started drinking wine every night to relax. At first it was a glass of two. I gained about 10 pounds over the course of a a few years. I would diet, try to exercise more but the weight just stayed on. Now my nightly wine drinking is a terrible habit. It is not a rare thing for me to open a bottle of wine after work and drink the whole thing. around 600 extra calories every single night and I wonder why I am having such a hard time getting lean. I am a foodie and love to cook. I eat very healthy. I rarely eat processed food. I work my *kitten* off at the gym and I am stuck and frustrated with not losing weight. I had a goal to lose 15 pounds before I got married. That day came and went 3 years ago. I had a goal to lose 15 pounds before my trip to Italy. I will be going in 3 weeks and haven't lost anything. Despite my eating well and working out 5 times per week. I know it is the wine. I know I need to give it up. I need to reestablish it's place in my life. I want to be able to enjoy wine and stop abusing it. I am in a better place. I am happily married, I love my job, my workouts are dialed in and I just need to give up this one thing. Why is it so hard???


  • bama6977
    bama6977 Posts: 71 Member
    I agree with you totally!! If I could give up or at least cut back on the wine then the weight would drop quickly. I eat healthy, exercise daily and take care of myself......except for the wine. Just got to keep trying, develop new habit to get past that time of day when that little nasty part of my brain says time for glass of wine.
  • sapicsr
    sapicsr Posts: 69 Member
    You are not alone, I gained 30lbs while eating decent and working out but continued to drink more. I make my own wine, I also enjoy Jamison and Vodka. I have cut back on the alcohol, stepped up my workouts and have lost 13lbs but could be down at least 25 if I reduced my alcohol intake more. I know if I want to get close to my goal weight I need to stop drinking during the week, that seems to be the only hope for me. Enjoy Italy I been there three times and the wine is excellent.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    That is my biggest weakness. I booked a trip to Antiqua back in February thinking cool i have a lot of time to lose the weight. 2 weeks away from vacation I think I've lost a total of 5 lbs. I LOVE WINE!!! For the most part I stopped drinking during the week and I dont have wine in my house but the weekends I just BINGE on wine and I really need to stop cuz I can lose so much more weight. I eat healthy and workout 6 days a week. But Wine is my downfall.
  • Shandyism
    Shandyism Posts: 15 Member
    I just found this group, and thank God! I totally relate. Giving up alcohol is really hard for me. I know I could lose more weight if I did. It's not that I have a *problem*, but I'm a young professional and a lot of my evenings are filled with happy hours and socializing! On work-client trips, we go out in the evening and it's pretty boozy. Lately I've been able to limit myself to only drinking on weekends. And by lately, I mean last week.

    Good luck to all! I feel your pain.